Baby John and the family gather around to look at family photos.
The kids enter a fishing competition.
Baby John loses his pacifier and the whole family searches for it.
Baby John and his friends spend the day at the waterpark.
Mom helps Baby John understand the hiccups.
Baby John's tummy hurts him and he learns to go potty with Mommy's help.
Baby John gets ready to go swimming.
Baby John and his friends gather around their teacher to get their faces painted.
The family sings a new version of Johny, Johny Yes Papa.
Baby John and siblings get lots of boo boos, but Mom is always there to make them feel better.
Baby John and Bingo get super-dirty when playing outside in the mud so they need to take a bath.
Baby John and the family help each other.
Because Baby John can't always express his emotions, Mom helps him.
Baby John proudly shows Jill what he can do.
Mommy helps Baby John get ready for bedtime.
Everyone is sick except for Mom, so she takes care of them.
Baby John and his family go on a vacation and experience taking a plane for this first time.
Baby John and the family help Bing learn to behave by training him.
Dad helps Baby John at swim lessons.
Baby John is ready for a yummy snack, but he must remember to wash his hands first!
Jill and Dad teach Baby John the proper way to play with a dollhouse.
Mom comes up with creative ways to convince Baby John to go to sleep.
Bingo is sick and Baby John and his family do everything they can to cheer him up.
Sometimes Baby John has an oopsies, but his family is always there to help him clean it up.
Baby John watches Jack and wants to be like his big brother.
Pirate Baby John gets into a water balloon fight.
Baby John pretends he is a super hero as he helps Dad and Mom do different chores.
Baby John learns how to be safe at the playground.
Baby John and his family help Dad build a treehouse while learning how to work as a team.
Baby John has a fun day at the mall.
Baby John really loves his dad and admires him.
The Family Safety Team helps Baby John to stay safe while he plays around the home.
Baby John is ready to have a super fun day at the fair.
Baby John is ready to go on a car ride but he needs to learn to wear his seatbelt.
Baby John is excited to see a firetruck right outside his house!
Jack hurts himself, but Baby John and Jill make sure he's okay.
Baby John decides to take on a new challenge: become an ambulance driver!
The family works together to get Baby John ready for bed!
Baby John and the family decide to all go fishing together. They work together to catch a fish!
Baby John is scared to give the doctor a visit!
While playing with his toys, Baby John meets both a Policeman and a Firefighter.
Baby John overcomes some of his fears during his time at the water park.
After being outside in the snow, Dad gets a cold and the family tries to nurse him back to health.
Baby John and his family have a fun race at the park.
Baby John follows his Daddy around and tries to be like him.
Baby John and his classmates have fun in the classroom while looking for hidden dinosaur eggs.