A documentary crew enters the offices of Dunder Mifflin to observe the workers and learn about modern management. Manager Michael Scott tries to paint a happy picture of his domain but his jokes keep falling flat. Then, worse, he's told that his branch may be downsized.
When a special consultant, Mr. Brown, arrives to teach a seminar on racial tolerance and diversity in the workplace, Michael implies that it was his idea while in reality his offensive behaviour necessitated the training.
When corporate wants Michael to pick a cheaper health plan for his employees, rather than lose popularity points with his staff, he shirks the responsibility and Dwight happily accepts the task.
Amid the rumours of downsizing, Michael tries to raise employee morale with a birthday party, despite the fact that the closest birthday is a month away. Meanwhile, Dwight asks Jim to form a "Survivor"-type alliance so they can protect themselves during the downsizing.
Michael and select members of the office staff prepare for a game of basketball against the workers in the warehouse. Overly confident about his team's ability, Michael trash-talks his opponents and he makes a bet: the losing team has to work Saturday.
An attractive woman arrives at the office to sell purses and causes furtive glances from male staff members who vie for her attention. Dwight attempts to ask her out on a date but his advances are deflected, leaving the door open for Michael to step in.
The Dunder Mifflin employees suffer through the annual office awards ceremony, "The Dundies", hosted by pompous boss Michael Scott at their local watering hole - a Chili's restaurant.
The office reviews its sexual harassment policy in light of explicit e-mails.
Michael has a panic attack when he tries to close the deal on his new condo. Meanwhile, while he and Dwight are away from the office, Jim and Pam organise an "office Olympics" where employees compete in ridiculous games.
A fire in the kitchen forces the employees of the Dunder Mifflin paper company to the parking lot where Jim suggests a game of "Desert Island" - and they learn more about each another than they may have cared to.
Michael is forced by corporate to fire someone, putting a damper on the Halloween festivities at Dunder Mifflin.
After Dwight karate punches Michael, Jim organises a lunchtime rematch at Dwight's dojo where Pam becomes annoyed when Jim gets too friendly.
When Michael and Jan go after a new client, Michael surprises his boss - in more ways than one. Meanwhile, Jim finds a screenplay written by Michael - and the cubicle jockeys at Dunder Mifflin have a hilarious time acting it out.
On performance review day, the employees of Dunder Mifflin meet with Michael to discuss their work performances, but the only thing on Michael's mind is his own impending review from his own boss Jan later that day.
The employees at Dunder Mifflin are upset when Michael starts monitoring their emails. Pam suspects Dwight and Angela are having an affair. Michael shows up uninvited at Jim's BBQ and sings karaoke.
Morale at the office Christmas party hits an all-time low after Michael suggests a game of "Yankee Swap" with the $20 secret Santa gifts - and everyone vies for the iPod he bought for Ryan.
Michael takes the Dunder Mifflin crew on a freezing "motivational" booze cruise in January in an attempt to get them to accept his theories on leadership. To his frustration, they find the ship's captain more inspiring, and Jim becomes motivated to speak his heart to Pa
Michael demands attention from the entire Dunder Mifflin office after he has a freak accident with his George Foreman grill, and Dwight begins behaving strangely following a minor car crash.
Jim is worried Michael is going to tell others that he likes Pam so he has to unfortunately go along with being his best friend, which includes a lunch trip to Hooters.
When someone soils the carpet in Michael's office, Michael begins to question his popularity with his staff. He temporarily takes Jim's desk in the bullpen in order to bond with his troops - and initiates a sales contest to boost morale.
When Jan visits the office to conduct a "women in the workplace" seminar with the female Dunder Mifflin employees, Michael takes the guys down to the warehouse for some "male bonding".
When Michael visits Dunder Mifflin corporate headquarters in New York on Valentine's Day, he and Jan are both in for a surprise. Meanwhile, back in Scranton, the office staff celebrates Valentine's Day grade school style.
Salesman of the year Dwight Schrute must somehow conquer his fear of public speaking for the big convention and turns for help to the worst possible teacher: Michael. As Pam becomes increasingly consumed with her wedding plans, Jim plans his escape from Scranton.
A routine office day is upended when children descend upon Dunder Mifflin for "Take Your Daughter to Work Day". Michael is surprised when he strikes up a friendship with the five-year old daughter of his sworn enemy, Toby.
In celebration of his birthday, Michael takes the Dunder Mifflin gang ice skating, while Kevin nervously waits for some medical test results.
When Dwight finds half a joint in the Dunder Mifflin parking lot, he puts on his volunteer sheriff's uniform and launches a full investigation - prompting Michael to ask for an unusual favour. Pam issues a challenge to Jim and he does his best to follow through with it.
When Michael takes over conflict resolution duties from the Human Relations department, chaos ensues at Dunder Mifflin.
Michael and the Dunder Mifflin crew hold a "Casino Night" for charity in their warehouse - and take some big gambles.
Michael feels left out as the rest of the office gossips about the summer interns. While Michael searches for the next juicy rumour to share, Andy struggles with heterosexuality.
A request by Jim leaves Michael feeling insecure and defensive. Meanwhile, Pam deals with the guest list for the wedding, and Dwight convinces Toby to investigate Darryl's worker's comp claim.
David Wallace breaks the bad news that not everyone will get a raise this year. Dwight reaches his breaking point with Jim and looks to the rest of the office for allies. Pam would like cash instead of wedding gifts.
The Dunder Mifflin staff travel to Niagara Falls to celebrate Jim and Pam's wedding under strict orders not to mention Pam's pregnancy. Michael, Dwight, and Andy all want to hook up with guests at the wedding and Michael and Dwight meet twins.
Michael meets with an insurance salesman that visits the office and is later convinced by Dwight and Andy that he is part of the mafia. Erin accidentally ruins Pam's painting.
Michael shocks Jim and Pam when he reveals the identity of the new woman he has been dating. Dwight apologises to Jim for years of torment with a strange peace offering.
It's Halloween and the office plans a 'Haunted House' for the children in the community. Michael falls into a koi pond at an important business meeting. Meanwhile, Pam and Andy go cold calling to drum up more sales.
Jim and Pam are out of excuses so they have no choice but to go out with Michael and Helene. Meanwhile, Dwight is strangely doing nice things for everyone in the office.
Michael's world is rocked by troubling rumours about Dunder Mifflin. He forces the office into a day of strange diversions, upsetting Jim and leading others to wonder if Michael has gone insane. Andy finds that his chief obstacle in courting Erin is his own awkwardness.
Michael gets excited when he's invited by David Wallace to be honoured on stage at the Dunder Mifflin shareholder meeting in New York, and he brings Andy, Dwight and Oscar along for the ride. Meanwhile, Jim has a hard time getting Ryan to do work.
Michael is forced to face the music after he realises he can't keep a promise he made to a group of kids 10 years ago. Meanwhile, Jim starts an employee of the month programme to increase employee morale.
Michael is outraged when Jim allows Phyllis to be Santa at the office Christmas party. Jim and Dwight try to get everyone into the holiday spirit despite the uncertainty with Dunder Mifflin. Meanwhile, Oscar has a secret crush.
A banker representing a potential buyer comes to the Scranton branch to interview the HR department before the sale goes through.
When Sabre comes in to take over Dunder Mifflin, Michael struggles to accept Sabre's new policies. Pam and Jim have an interview for a local day-care they really want to get into. Andy and Erin work on a welcome song for Sabre as Erin waits for Andy to ask her out.
Sabre's CEO visits and tells Michael and Jim that one of them must take a step down and go back to sales. Andy's Valentine's Day cards leave Kelly thinking she's the one he's interested in.
Pam's contractions begin but she and Jim are determined to wait it out as long as possible so they can have more time at the hospital. Meanwhile, the rest of the office crew try to distract Pam from the pain with food and entertainment.
Pam's contractions begin but she and Jim are determined to wait it out as long as possible so they can have more time at the hospital. The rest of the office crew try to distract Pam from the pain with food and entertainment. Back at the office, Erin makes Andy jealous.
Michael thinks he impressed Jo only to discover someone else in the office caught her eye. Meanwhile, Dwight makes trouble on Jim's first day back from paternity leave. Andy and Erin have an interesting first date.
When the sales staff lets Sabre's new "sales is king" policy get to their heads, Michael hides their new, prized leads.
Michael gets kicked out of the bar when he whips out all the stops to impress a friend of Jim and Pam's. Meanwhile, Andy and Erin do their best to keep their relationships under wraps. Dwight rethinks his pre-natal contract with Angela.
Andy pulls out all the stops to give Erin a memorable Secretary's Day. Michael reluctantly takes Erin out to lunch and lets slip about Andy's relationship with Angela. Meanwhile, Oscar circulates a viral video he made that compares Kevin's voice to the Cookie Monster.
Pam and Jim work on their first sales pitch together to Donna, the manager of a local restaurant, but Michael keeps misreading the signals she's putting out. Meanwhile, Dwight encourages Kelly to try out for the minority training programme.
Michael suspects Donna is cheating on him and puts P.I. Dwight Schrute on the case. Meanwhile, Andy is frustrated when no one takes his customer's complaint seriously.
Michael is surprisingly cheerful after learning some bad news about Donna. The new parents, Pam and Jim, have trouble staying awake in the office. Meanwhile, Angela takes matters into her own hands when Dwight refuses to honour their contract.
The press finds out that Sabre's printers catch on fire. Jo shows up to the office in hopes of finding out who the whistleblower is. Everyone suspects Andy, who adamantly denies he leaked the information.
Michael refuses to fire the new office assistant after everyone complains about his bad attitude. Andy plays it cool after Erin shows interest in another man. Meanwhile, Pam tries to impress Jim by pulling an office prank of her own.
Corporate assigns Michael to counselling with Toby. Dwight vows revenge on the Steamtown Mall after a shop owner snubs him. Meanwhile, Pam conspires to change her job title.
Andy invites the entire office to his community theatre production of Sweeney Todd in hopes that Erin will attend. Michael tries to put his jealousy aside and enjoy the performance while Jim and Pam struggle with their incompetent babysitter.
Michael, believing he has herpes, contacts all his ex-girlfriends, including Jan and Holly. Andy tries to play on Erin's compassionate side by holding a sex education meeting for the office.
When a competing sales associate steals a Dunder Mifflin client, Michael, Jim and Dwight decide to set up a sting to find out his sales secrets. Andy decides to start a band after finding out a friend from college has a successful music career.
The Dunder Mifflin staff have a Halloween costume contest. Michael's upset after Darryl gives an idea to corporate without running it by him first. Pam tries to make Danny open up about their dating past.
Cecelia's christening is overcrowded due to Michael inviting the entire office staff.
Hoping to get Gabe and Michael to be more friendly to one another, Erin organises a Glee viewing party for the staff at Gabe's. Meanwhile, Andy's jealousy over Erin and Gabe's relationship intensifies.
Michael helps Ryan generate capital for his WUPHF service. Dwight hosts a Thanksgiving hay festival in the parking lot whilst Jim learns he's run up against a Sabre sales commission cap.
After reading an article about China growing as a global power, Michael decides China must be stopped before they take over the US. Everyone in the office complains about Dwight's building standards and Pam threatens to move Dunder Mifflin to a new building.
Michael could not be happier when corporate sends Holly Flax to cover for Toby's leave of absence. Pam is forced to do a second Christmas party when Michael wants the party to be on the day Holly returns to Scranton. Jim regrets agreeing to a snowball fight with Dwight.
Michael prepares himself for the good or bad news about Holly and her boyfriend. In an effort to be an 'awesome' office manager, Pam decides to put up a resolution board for everyone to post their New Year's resolutions.
With Andy's sales at their lowest ever, he gets desperate and holds a small business seminar with the help of some special guests. Michael and Holly turn the event into an improv challenge. Meanwhile, Erin enlists some of her co-workers in her scrabble battle with Gabe.
An emergency call from Helene forces Jim to abandon Michael at a gas station restroom, and Holly, Erin and Dwight set out to rescue him. Back at the office, Pam's artwork starts a captioning contest that seems to offend Gabe.
It's Valentine’s Day and the public displays of affection between Michael and Holly are making everyone uncomfortable. The aftermath of a champagne lunch causes complications for Jim and Pam. After Gabe designs a romantic treasure hunt for Erin, Andy tags along.
After eleven years of writing, shooting, re-shooting and editing, Michael is finally ready to present his long-awaited action movie "Threat Level Midnight" to his co-workers and love interest, Holly; but is he ready for their reactions?
After many years and motel rooms, Dunder Mifflin traveling salesman Todd Packer is ready to leave the road behind and take a desk job in the office. Elsewhere, after his computer freezes for the millionth time, Andy battles office administrator Pam for a new computer.
The office holds its first ever garage sale in the warehouse, while Michael finally pops the question to Holly.
The new manager, Deangelo Vickers, has everyone hoping to make good first impressions. Andy finds himself awkwardly typecast, while Jim and Pam worry that they've come on too strong. Only Dwight is apathetic about the new leader.
Michael trains Deangeleo to take over the job of hosting the Dundie Awards. Erin struggles with her dislike of her boyfriend, Gabe.
Michael, about to leave for Colorado, wants a day without drama to say his goodbyes to each co-worker. Deangelo and Andy scramble to keep Michael's biggest clients.
Deangelo's true management style is finally revealed when he creates an inner circle of only men.
Dwight takes over as acting manager and applies draconian tactics to the office. Meanwhile, Gabe tries to win Erin back.
Jim heads a search committee that interviews candidates, including Andy and Darryl, for a new manages for the branch. Dwight tries to get back in the race.
When Michael unintentionally outs a gay employee, he stumbles through a sensitivity mine-field. Also, we find out what happened with Jim and Pam.
After meeting Jan in Philadelphia for the annual Northeastern Mid-Market Office Supply Convention, Michael enlists Dwight's help in organising a party in his room for fellow conventioneers. Meanwhile, Ryan and Kelly join friends out on a double date.
After Jan busts Michael for declaring it's "movie Monday", where everyone watches a movie instead of working, an upset Angela pushes Dwight into making a play for Michael's job. Meanwhile, Pam internet shops and has a fashion show at lunch and Jim plays video games.
Michael's former boss, Ed Truck, dies and Michael thinks the entire office should be grieving as much as he is, even though most of the employees didn't work for Ed. Unfortunately for them, he insists they attend a grief counselling session… and a funeral for a bird.
Dwight thinks he's teaching Ryan how to be a better salesman by putting him through a fraternity-like initiation on the Schrute beet farm. Back at the office, Jan asks Pam to account for Michael's day in an hour-by-hour log.
Corporate won't pay for the office Halloween party, so Michael convinces everyone to attend a party for the Hindu holiday Diwali. At the party, Ryan freaks out when Kelly's parents seem to expect him to ask for Kelly's hand in marriage.
Jan delivers the bad news to Michael that the Scranton Branch is closing. This leads Michael on a quest to keep up the staff's spirits. Meanwhile, everyone imagines what their lives will be like in the wake of the closure.
Old friends Jim and Pam are back together after months apart as the Scranton branch and Stamford branch are finally merged. Michael, Dwight and the other employees are faced with a variety of changes.
Michael tries to be supportive after learning that one of the new employees is an ex-convict, but gets upset when the staff starts to compare the office to prison. Meanwhile, Jim 'coaches' Andy when he decides to make a play for Pam.
Michael sends out an inappropriate photoshopped Christmas card and gets his heart broken for the holidays by girlfriend Carol. Andy takes Michael out drinking with Dwight and Jim, while tensions on the party planning committee result in two rival parties being thrown.
Still in 'vacation mode' after his trip to Jamaica, Michael tries to hang on to his relaxed island vibe despite a wave of office hassles; but it becomes too much when an e-mail containing a racy vacation photo is forwarded around the office.
On Andy's suggestion, Michael has staffers team up for sales calls, leading to some interesting, insightful moments in the field. Meanwhile, Dwight attempts to cover for Angela after she misses an important deadline. Furthermore, Karen receives surprising information.
Oscar returns from his long vacation with mixed emotions on whether or not he still wants to be a part of the office. Meanwhile, Andy takes advantage of recent events to get closer to Michael, and Jim turns to Karen and Pam for help to stage a prank on a new target.
Acting on bad advice from his friend Todd Packer, Michael brings two 'adult' performers into the office - a stripper and Ben Franklin - in honour of Phyllis's wedding shower. Meanwhile, Karen confronts Pam about her past with Jim.
Phyllis regrets giving Michael an important job at her wedding after several embarrassing moments. Pam has flashbacks of her own wedding planning when she sees Phyllis's decorations. Meanwhile, Dwight is determined to catch wedding crashers.
Ryan invites Michael to be a guest speaker at his business school. Meanwhile, Dwight battles a bat that gets loose in the office, and Pam invites co-workers to her first art show.
Michael and Jan go public with their relationship during a party at their CFO's home. At the party, Jim meets Karen's ex. Meanwhile, the rest of the office decides to go to happy hour for drinks.
Darryl decides to meet with Michael to negotiate a pay increase. Meanwhile, Jim deals with the consequences of Pam's confession to Roy.
Andy returns to the office after several weeks of anger management training, determined to make a fresh start with all the employees. Meanwhile, it's safety training day in the office, and Michael and Dwight are on a mission to illuminate the dangers of the workplace.
Michael tries to manage the media with an impromptu press conference after a large shipment of paper is accidentally sent out with an obscene watermark. Jim and Andy also attempt to calm the high school principal who has sent out prom invites on the affected stationery.
Outrage breaks out in the office after Phyllis gets an unexpected eyeful from a flasher. Michael makes some important personal decisions when he takes the women on a special outing. Meanwhile, Dwight and Andy work on catching the predator.
Michael is being considered for a position in Corporate and has to recommend his replacement. While the group expects a fun outing at Lake Scranton, Michael has planned a day of Survivor-like competitions to find his successor.