When Jeff encounters a stray goat during a therapeutic spot of gardening - he shoo's the beast away with haste. No sooner has the goat left when Jeff begins to itch.
An eclipse is forecast in Oddsville and nobody is more excited than Bubbles.
Pogo gets his hands on Bubbles' prototype jetpack after her warning him it isn’t ready, and soon finds himself stranded in the upper atmosphere.
Bubbles accidentally activates her ‘Devolutionizer’ device (age-reversing machine), affecting the entire cul-de-sac. All the Oddbods devolve into Babybods; that is, all except Fuse.
Newt falls for a wild gopher, and tries to adopt it as her pet. However, it has no interest in being domesticated, and would rather spend its time eating Jeff’s prizewinning flowers.
The day is so sunny, Fuse fires up the BBQ and invites some friends over.
Slick’s Dad shows up out of the blue, and, terrified that he’ll discover what a messy party animal he is, Slick quickly pretends that Jeff’s house is actually his, and that Jeff is his butler.
Pogo and Bubbles get stranded in the desert after Pogo accidentally sabotages Bubbles' attempt to break the speed record.
After a sequence of annoying events, Jeff decides he’s had enough of living in the cul-de-sac. When everyone gets wind that he's leaving, they all rally together to convince Jeff to stay.
At the local park, Fuse and Slick are smitten with a female jogger who blows them both a kiss. The pair are determined to outshine one another to prove whom the kiss was intended for.
When Zee enters a road endurance race, his notorious lethargy hardly makes him likely to win the prize: a huge trophy that looks to Zee like a gigantic hot dog.
Newt, Jeff and Pogo all go out for the perfect picnic one day, except each has a separate idea of what that perfect picnic entails. Will they work out their differences?
When a rogue bear enters Oddsville it’s quickly put to sleep by the local park ranger. Unfortunately a couple of his tranquilizer darts miss their intended target and hit Zee.
After a moment of unintentional humiliation, Pogo and Jeff get into a competitive battle to see who is the better clown: Pogo, the more anarchic, traditional clown vs. Jeff, the classic French mime.
Slick, with a little help from Bubbles, enters a ‘Robot Wars’ tournament. As he progresses through the rounds, his increasing arrogance and hubris make him an unlikely winner.
Jeff discovers some unwanted nesting birds in his garden. As an intelligent and determined Oddbod, Jeff should have no problems forcing these tenants to migrate elsewhere.
Pogo is bored and his friends don’t have time to play with him. He discovers a Genie in a magic lamp who grants three wishes, and Pogo uses these to try to get Zee and Bubbles in the mood for some fun.
Zee manages to accidentally get on Bubbles' rescue mission to stop Oddsville being hit by a meteor storm. Zee's casual laziness becomes a big problem for Bubbles’ mission to save the planet.
Pogo loses his licence after a bout of reckless driving and finds out that he has to pass his test to get his beloved van back, and is horrified to discover that he’s got Jeff as his examiner.
Snow falls on Oddsville: the perfect conditions for Pogo’s pranking skills to thrive. But when his pranks go too far, Newt decides to teach him a lesson.
Jeff is throwing a party to impress some snooty friends. However, his unreasonably high service expectations result in the waiter he brought in to help quitting.
Newt ends up looking after a parcel that was delivered to Zee's place, as he was not at home to receive it, but it's not long before she's unable to resist opening the thing.
When Bubbles accidentally brings back something from space, Newt finds a cute little space alien in it. Soon she's keeping it as a pet, but quickly discovers that this is a species that multiplies.
Fuse has just about had enough of the others' company for a while and so he tries to isolate himself from everyone by retreating to the island for a few days.
An experiment with Pogo's ice cream results in making everyone who eats it weightless. Soon, everyone is loving spinning around weightless in the air.
Fuse is too proud to admit that his eyesight is failing him. Bubbles cottons onto the problem but Fuse doesn’t want to admit it until the inability to see clearly puts Bubbles in real danger.
After being humiliated by some snobby Oddbods due to his general lack of etiquette, Zee finds himself being helped out by his pal Jeff.
Fuse has a new job as a delivery man, but any enjoyment of the job is quickly undermined when he discovers that someone or something has been beating him to it.
Slick sees Bubbles' talent for invention. Unfortunately, he hasn't quite the talent for invention as she does, and after several failures, he takes the shortcut of 'borrowing' to disastrous effect.
Pogo makes himself homeless while playing a reckless game and is kindly taken in by Fuse. However it's not long before Pogo's impulsive prank-playing becomes insufferable.
Bubbles, assisted on an expedition by Newt, discovers an ancient artefact in a cave. Newt thinks she should put it back after some evidence that it might have supernatural qualities.
When Fuse gets a birthday present of a skydiving ticket from Bubbles, he's too proud to tell her he's scared of heights.
Zee is cupcake crazy, and when he discovers that Bubbles is running a cupcake factory out of her house using one of her cool new inventions he finds it impossible to control himself.
When Newt crashes one of Fuse's fishing expeditions, he reluctantly allows her to join him. However, insult is added to injury when it seems that Newt, while clearly being a total beginner.
Slick decides he needs to get fit, and foolishly accepts Fuse's offer of a 'Boot Camp' administered by Oddville's most serious alpha trainer.
Newt has an accident with some paint flecks, and soon finds herself misdiagnosed with an infectious tropical illness by the others. She tries to explain but no one is having it.
Pogo and Jeff get into a battle over who can sell the best ice creams. It's not long before they both lose sight of the initial mission and their competition escalates to petty, absurd and destructive.
Pogo finally meets his match when he annoys the wrong character, which incidentally happens to be an equally annoying and determined bird species called a Twitcher.
When a highly infectious fever hits the cul de sac, Zee finds himself front and centre in looking after his friends, who display a variety of extreme symptoms.
In a moment of petulance, Jeff accidentally causes Pogo to crash land, causing Pogo to lose his memory and personality. Jeff, feeling guilty about his actions, decides to rehabilitate Pogo.
Bubbles is transformed into a bee-sized after an accident with one of her experiments. While facing the dangers of the human world, she must employ the services of Newt to help her transform back.
Newt and Bubbles take a car trip cross-country and soon discover that each has a very different idea of what constitutes a fun road trip.
An incident involving Fuse accidentally sends Jeff off the deep end, and he quickly descends into a feral state. Fuse and Newt must work together to try and rehabilitate their friend back to normality.
When Slick receives a knitted woolly hat as a gift from the well-intentioned Newt, he doesn't have the heart to tell her he'll look ridiculous in it.
Fuse's terrible temper has gained him the reputation of being an awful person to watch sports with. When he smashes his own TV he manages to convince Newt to watch the game with him.
Newt discovers an abandoned bird egg in the park that seemingly came from an empty nest in a nearby tree. She takes responsibility for the egg and hopes to hatch it.
When Newt struggles with building a flatpack treehouse, she employs the help of Fuse in getting the job done. Except Fuse has ideas of his own and soon discards the flatpack stuff.
The cul de sac gets its own alien invader, in the form of a popcorn-obsessed creature that has cloned itself so it looks exactly like Newt.
Zee has the misfortune of having to babysit his disruptive niece and nephew who seem intent on wrecking both his home and his head.
A pleasant afternoon's barbecue takes a turn for the worse, when Jeff's foolhardy attempt to taste a drop of chilli sauce backfires with embarrassing consequences.
When an incident with Newt and some local birds causes the accidental launch of Bubbles' rocket into space with the birds inside, Newt has to tell Bubbles what happened.
Pogo prides himself on being a master of the prank. Yet even by his own high standards, this one is his most ambitious yet.