John & Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen has a menu perfect for enjoying inside or out.
John and Lisa are bringing their favorite flavors from Greece into their kitchen for a Greek feast.
The couple are using ingredients you can easily find in the kitchen cupboard or freezer to create a host of imaginative yet simple dishes.
John & Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen is bringing some old classics back to the table this week; when the couple put a fresh spin on some retro favorites.
John & Lisa are inspired by their favorite Eastern flavors in their Weekend Kitchen this week.
John & Lisa are serving up some of their favorite summery salads in their Weekend Kitchen.
John & Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen is full of inspiration from the Mediterranean this weekend.
John & Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen is full of dishes all the family will love to share this week.
John & Lisa are celebrating the best of ‘holidays at home’ in their Weekend Kitchen, with a host of dishes perfect for enjoying in the great outdoors.
John & Lisa are creating some of their favorite dishes from across the pond in their Weekend Kitchen.