Last Week Tonight With John Oliver E20 • U.S. History logo

Last Week Tonight With John Oliver

لاست ويك تونايت ويذ جون أوليفر


E20 • U.S. History

حلقة 20 • U.S. هيستوري

A look at how the history of race is taught in schools; and more.


More episodes from Season 7

Medicare For All

E1 • Medicare For All

The pros and cons of Medicare for All: and more.


The pros and cons of Medicare for All: and more.


E2 • Modi

John Oliver talks about India's controversial Prime Minister; and more.


John Oliver talks about India's controversial Prime Minister; and more.


E3 • Coronavirus

What's being done to fight coronavirus as it spreads to the U.S.; and more.


What's being done to fight coronavirus as it spreads to the U.S.; and more.


E4 • Sheriffs

A look at how much power and little accountability, local sheriffs have; and more.


A look at how much power and little accountability, local sheriffs have; and more.

Coronavirus II

E5 • Coronavirus II

How the government is handling the coronavirus outbreak; and more.


How the government is handling the coronavirus outbreak; and more.

Coronavirus III

E6 • Coronavirus III

President Trump's inconsistent response to the coronavirus pandemic; and more.


President Trump's inconsistent response to the coronavirus pandemic; and more.


E7 • OAN

John Oliver takes a look One America News; and more.


John Oliver takes a look One America News; and more.

Coronavirus IV: Essential Workers

E8 • Coronavirus IV: Essential Workers

How Coronavirus is impacting the US workforce; and more.


How Coronavirus is impacting the US workforce; and more.

Coronavirus V: Misinformation

E9 • Coronavirus V: Misinformation

Main story: Various sources of misinformation about COVID-19; and more.


Main story: Various sources of misinformation about COVID-19; and more.

Coronavirus VI: Testing

E10 • Coronavirus VI: Testing

How much coronavirus testing the US has done and why we need to do more; and more.


How much coronavirus testing the US has done and why we need to do more; and more.


E11 • USPS

Why the USPS faces financial catastrophe and what we can do to help; and more.


Why the USPS faces financial catastrophe and what we can do to help; and more.

Coronavirus VII: Sports

E12 • Coronavirus VII: Sports

The disappearance of sports due to coronavirus; and more.


The disappearance of sports due to coronavirus; and more.

Voting By Mail

E13 • Voting By Mail

John Oliver discusses why voting by mail is necessary; and more.


John Oliver discusses why voting by mail is necessary; and more.


E14 • Police

John Oliver discusses how the histories of policing and white supremacy rare intertwined; and more.


John Oliver discusses how the histories of policing and white supremacy rare intertwined; and more.

Facial Recognition

E15 • Facial Recognition

The dangers of facial recognition technology; and more.


The dangers of facial recognition technology; and more.

Coronavirus VIII: Prisons & Jails

E16 • Coronavirus VIII: Prisons & Jails

Why COVID-19 has spread so rapidly behind bars and what we can do to stop it; and more.


Why COVID-19 has spread so rapidly behind bars and what we can do to stop it; and more.

Coronavirus IX: Evictions

E17 • Coronavirus IX: Evictions

Evictions are on the rise due to coronavirus; and more.


Evictions are on the rise due to coronavirus; and more.

Coronavirus: Conspiracy Theories

E18 • Coronavirus: Conspiracy Theories

Main story: The proliferation of conspiracy theories about coronavirus; and more.


Main story: The proliferation of conspiracy theories about coronavirus; and more.

China & Uighurs

E19 • China & Uighurs

The Uighur people are facing human rights abuses in China; and more.


The Uighur people are facing human rights abuses in China; and more.

U.S. History

E20 • U.S. History

A look at how the history of race is taught in schools; and more.


A look at how the history of race is taught in schools; and more.


E21 • Juries

Why people of color are routinely excluded from becoming jurors; and more.


Why people of color are routinely excluded from becoming jurors; and more.

Border Wall II

E22 • Border Wall II

An update on Trump's border wall; and more.


An update on Trump's border wall; and more.

RNC 2020 & Kenosha

E23 • RNC 2020 & Kenosha

A look at the Republican National Convention; and more.


A look at the Republican National Convention; and more.

The Supreme Court

E24 • The Supreme Court

The future of the Supreme Court; and more.


The future of the Supreme Court; and more.

Election 2020

E25 • Election 2020

A look at efforts to destabilize the vote and how to ensure your ballot is counted; and more.


A look at efforts to destabilize the vote and how to ensure your ballot is counted; and more.

The World Health Organization

E26 • The World Health Organization

The crucial role of the World Health Organization; and more.


The crucial role of the World Health Organization; and more.


E27 • Asylum

How the Trump administration has handled asylum seekers; and more.


How the Trump administration has handled asylum seekers; and more.

Trump & The Coronavirus And William Barr

E28 • Trump & The Coronavirus And William Barr

Oliver discusses President Trump's COVID-19 response and William Barr.


Oliver discusses President Trump's COVID-19 response and William Barr.

Election Results 2020

E29 • Election Results 2020

Oliver discusses Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' historic win.


Oliver discusses Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' historic win.

Trump & Election Results

E30 • Trump & Election Results

Oliver discusses Donald Trump's various attempts to overturn the results.


Oliver discusses Donald Trump's various attempts to overturn the results.

More details


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