Serkan needs Nurettin and Esma’s permission first in order to make his marriage real. Kadir starts calling out Turkan’s name, knowing that she is close by.
Everything begins when the beautiful Alice, who grew up like a princess, meets the tough young man Serkan, whose dreams have been taken away and who has endured every hardship in life, due to an accident.
Alice comes up with a clever idea to make sure that her father doesn’t get married to Sinem. Serkan’s mother loses her mind when she finds out that her son is getting married. Nurettin must be quick to stop his daughter before she does something terrible.
Alice is either going to get used to her new life, or she is going to accept her father’s marriage. Nurettin misses her daughter so much, but he has no intention of taking a step back.
Sinem needs to make an explanation to Alice as to why she didn’t break up with Nurettin. Nurettin invites Serkan’s family over for dinner. Esma relizes that Nurettin and Sinem had a huge fight. Alice decides to get gifts for Serkan’s family.
Alice doesn’t want her friends to find out about her marriage. Serkan’s sister starts blaming Alice for everything that happened. Serkan wants to start working in Nurettin’s hotel, but of course Alice doesn’t want him anywhere near there.
Serkan owes a big apology to Nurettin and Sinem for what he did to Alp. Esma pays a visit to Serkan’s house to invite his family over for dinner. Alp invites Alice to a party, but she cannot go as she has to get back to Serkan’s house early.
Alp doesn’t understand why Serkan’s family is in Alice’s house since he doesn’t know that Alice and Serkan are married. Alice and Serkan must cook food for their family. Serap loses her mind when she finds out that Nurettin hired Serkan.
Bahar still has hopes that Alice and Serkan are going to break up. Alice is happy to hear that Sinem resigned from her job. There is a very important customer coming to the hotel, and Serkan is scared that her sister is going to ruin everything.
Nurettin starts getting jealous of Sinem when she comes to work with Mithat. Serkan owes a big apology to Nurettin for acting like the boss of the hotel. Serap loses her mind when she finds out that Serkan is washing the dishes in the hotel.
Kadir and Nurettin starts fighting as the part of a clever plan, but then it turns out to be something serious. Serkan goes mad when he realizes that his sister found out what he is doing at the hotel. Alice and Serkan pour their heart to each other.
Serap loses her mind when Alice makes some unnecessary shopping for the house. Serkan realizes that Alp is not as successful at school as he claims. Deniz gives a call to Alice to say that she must come back to the hotel as soon as possible.
Serkan needs to do something dangerous in order to save Hazal. Bahar is happy to hear that Alice and Serkan’s marriage is fake, that’s why she calls Serkan to have coffee together. Sinem decides to give Serkan a better job in the hotel.
Alice feels devastated after hearing what Serkan said about her behind her back. Serap loses her mind when she realizes that her grandparents have ran away. Sinem owes a big apology to Nurettin for the terrible things she said the other day.
Nurettin and Sinem have something very important to announce to their families. Serap and Esma are glad to hear that Bahar’s date with Serkan went great. Hayri is sure that he’s seen Turkan, so he needs Nurettin’s help in order to find her.
Serkan thinks that it is time for Alice to take some responsibility for their marriage. Baha cannot get over the fact that he lied to his best friend. Nurettin and Sinem find out that there is someone who is trying to rob the hotel.
Alice announces to her friends that she is married to Serkan, and she invites them over to their house for celebration. Serap loses her mind when Alice’s friends make a mess of the house. Kadir wants Serap to stay away from Alice and Serkan’s marriage.
Alice’s friends start to think that Serkan threatened Alice into marriage. Alice and Serkan walk into the hotel holding hands for the first time. Bahar doesn’t want anyone to speak about Alice anymore, but Serap says that she shouldn’t give up on Serkan.
Baha is ready to do anything in order to receive forgiveness from Serkan. Alice doesn’t understand why Kadir doesn’t want to meet his old colleagues.
Serap doesn’t understand why Alice started acting weird all of a sudden. Serkan and Alice decide to make a surprise for Kadir, but Kadir doesn’t like that surprise at all. Everybody finds out that Kadir got injured when he was trying to save Esma.
Alice decides to invite Serkan’s family to the hotel for a week, so that they can have some rest. Kadir’s old colleagues make a surprise for Kadir to talk about the old days. Serap gives a call to Esma to tell her the terrible thing Alice has done.
Nurettin and Sinem are shocked that Alice apologized to them and approved their marriage without knowing that she has other plans. Mithat owes Nurettin a big apology as he stole his money. Serkan decides to resign from his job because of Alice’s plan.
Everybody is ready for Nurettin and Sinem’s engagement, especially Alice. Esma tells Serap that she has changed her mind about sabotaging Alice and Serkan’s marriage. Sinem and Nurettin are worried that Alice is going to ruin their engagement.
Alice doesn’t understand why Serkan has been acting weird lately especially just when she started to get used to him. Serkan cannot believe that his mother came back after years. Nurettin must do something about Turkan before Serkan sees her.
Turkan watches her son from far away, trying to get the courage to talk to him. Sinem cannot hide the fact that she hired Turkan anymore from Nurettin. Alp starts thinking that he is useless at the hotel, that’s why he decides to resign from his job.
Alice is devastated to hear that Serkan sees their marriage only as a game and nothing more. Nurettin confesses that he offered Mesut some money so that he lets Esma go. Kadir tells Serkan that he shouldn’t make Alice cry ever again just because he feels guilty.
Sinem loses her mind when she finds out that Nurettin is going to tell Kadir the truth about Turkan. Serkan meets his brother for the first time without knowing who he really is. Alp needs Serkan’s help in order to pass one of his important exams.
Nurettin goes mad when he hears that Turkan and her son are going to stay in Sinem’s house. Kadir is happy to hear that Serkan decided not to give up on Alice. Bahar asks forgiveness from Serkan, saying that they should be friends from now on.
Serkan tells Serap that she should accept that fact Turkan is happy without them and she is never coming back. Serap gives a call to Esma to tell her that she is going to find her mother. Alice pays a visit to Bahar to find out what is going on between her and Serkan.
Alice wants to know why Serkan and Bahar met the other night, so Serkan must come up with a logical explanation. Sarp wants to know why Nurettin lied about his mother. Serkan wants to explain to Alice the real reason why he met with Bahar.
Nurettin must hide Turkan and Sarp before Serkan sees them. Serkan finally says that he loves Alice so much and he cannot risk losing her by telling her the truth. Alice needs to ask a favour from Alp, that’s why she decides to threaten him.
Kadir meets Sarp for the first time without knowing that he is actually his own son. Turkan realizes that her son has already met with Kadir. Serap doesn’t understand why Alice’s family have to stay at their place while they have a hotel.
Baha is shocked to hear that Alice got lost on purpose so that Serkan would be worried about her. Nurettin passes out when he sees his sister soaked in blood. Alice eavesdrops on Turkan and Sinem, finding out who Turkan really is.
Nurettin and Sinem are scared that Alice is going to tell Serkan everything about her mother. Alice is obliged to do anything Serkan says for the next 24 hours. Serkan has something very important to announce to his family about Alice.
Sarp decides to run away from the house to find his father. Alice’s friends must get ready for Alice and Serkan’s marriage. Kadir pays a visit to Nurettin to tell him that he has been seeing Turkan lately. Hayri finds out that Sarp is Turkan’s son.
Kadir and Serap are shocked to see Turkan in front of them. Sinem confesses to Kadir that it was her who found and hid Turkan. Serkan tells everyone that his mother died when he was ten years old, so Turkan must find a way to win him back.
Bahattin gives a call to Serkan to tell him that he needs his help urgently. Despite all the obstacles they’ve faced, Serkan and Alice ask for Nurettin’s permission for marriage again. Serap realizes that Esma is hiding something very important.
Serap asks for forgiveness from her mother for the terrible things she said in the past. Turkan isn’t sure if she should tell Serkan about Sarp. Sarp doesn’t understand why he cannot see his brother.
Serkan cannot believe the fact that it was his mother who stole the brooch, so he thinks that it was someone else who did it. Nurettin loses his mind when he finds out that it was his old friend Salih who stole the brooch.
Nurettin has to deal with Sarp during her daughter’s happiest day. Turkan finally explains to Kadir the real reason why she ran away years ago. Serkan is shocked to hear that he has a brother, and everyone he loves hid this fact from him.
Nurettin is shocked to hear that Sarp ran away from the house for the hundredth time again, that’s why he organizes everyone to look for him. Kadir comes face to face with Sarp and calls him son and hugs him for the first time.
Alice tells Serkan that he should be considerate and think about the real reason why Turkan left him. Serkan decides to resign from his job just because Nurettin hid everything from him. Serap and Alice must come up with a way to bring Serkan and Turkan together.
Sarp gives a call to Alice to invite her and Serkan over for family dinner, but she isn’t sure if Serkan is going to accept that. Serkan tells everyone that there is something Nurettin is hiding from Alice, and he wants him to tell her what it is.
Everybody is devastated to hear Alice and Serkan are getting divorced. Serkan wants to put an end to this game, but Alice thinks their relationship needs this. Serap realizes that there is something weird going on with Serkan, so she decides to listen to his door.
Nurettin decides to support her daughter’s decision of getting a divorce instead of trying to save her marriage. Esma wants to know why she is not mad at her father for lying to her. Sarp realizes that Serkan and Alize are up to something.
Nurettin is convinced that Serkan and Alice are playing a game with their families. Alice thinks that she should get a divorce lawyer in order to trick her father.
Tosha loses her mind when she realizes that Alice is really getting a divorce. Alice must do her best to make sure Bahattin doesn’t receive the divorce papers.
Tosha decides to pay a visit to the lawyer to make sure Serkan doesn’t receive the divorce papers. Alice owes a big apology to Serkan about the game they have been playing.
Serkan must do his best to convince the lawyer so that he changes his mind about the divorce. Serap and Esma start fighting over the invitation card for the wedding.
Alice doesn’t like her wedding dress, and she needs Serkan’s help to find a good one. Everybody is so excited for Alice and Serkan’s wedding day.
Serkan loses his mind when he sees the lawyer at the wedding. Alice and Serkan know that there is no one who can prevent their happiness anymore.
Serkan realize that Alice left the brooche at home, which means that she is never coming back. Nurettin collapses on the floor after speaking to his daughter for the first time after the wedding.
Kadir tells Sarp the real reason why he had to retire years ago. Alice loses her mind when she finds out that her father hired Serkan again, that’s why she resigns from her job.
Alice is shocked to realize that Serkan is doing what he is doing to take revenge. Esma loses her mind when she realize that Alice has left the house.
Alice’s friends start thinking that Serkan and Alice haven’t really gotten back together. Nurettin must hide the parrot from everyone.
Kadir loses his mind when he finds out that his sister is going to pay him a visit. Alice gets jealous of Serkan again when a business partner starts hitting on him.
Kadir figures out that Serkan is forcefully keeping Alice in the house, that’s why he wants them to get a divorce. Esma is glad to hear that her brother is getting married.
Alice tries to explain to her friends that Serkan has kidnapped her, but Serkan managed to stop her at the right time. Nurettin needs Hayri’s help in order to get married to Sinem.
Esma tells Serap that she is going to open the patisserie, and she wants her to work there. Turkan pays a visit to Alice to help her with the house chores.
Kadir is shocked to hear that his house was robbed. Hayri doesn’t give permission to Nurettin to marry Sinem.
Nurettin gets locked up in jail when Alice’s friends say that they are working for him. Everybody starts blaming Bahattin for everything that happened.
Alice doesn’t understand why Serkan refuses to get financial help from her father for the house. Serkan must find a job before he runs out of money.
Serap and Esma are shocked to hear that Serkan lied to everyone about his job. Nurettin asks Serkan if he is taking good care of Alice or not, and if he is not, he can help him financially.
Nurettin is mad at Serkan for not taking good care of Alice. Serkan starts thinking that he has lost Alice because of his one mistake.
Alice cannot stand the fact that Serkan isn’t doing anything to get her back. Nurettin decides to buy a car for Alice in which she can feel safe inside.
Alice has some worries about Serkan’s new job as his boss seems to be a dangerous man. Sinem is shocked to hear that Nurettin wrote a letter for her.
Hayri loses his mind when he sees his wife with another woman. Esma realize that Mesut might be back in the city.
Alice decides to work in her aunt’s patisserie, but Serap doesn’t want her there. Nurettin thinks that he should find Sinem’s brother for her sake.
Nurettin and Bahattin make a clever plan to find out where Ziya is. Serap decided to give Alice a hard time at the patisserie.
Alice wants to know if Tarık was really married to her aunt or what. Bahattin starts thinking that Serkan must follow his dreams to build an engine powered by solar panels.
Serap accidentally gives a cookie to Bilge which he is allergic to. Tarık realizes that Alice knows about his past.
Bilge and Serap pour their heart to each other about their past. Mucize and others try to hypnotize Hayri to make him remember where the water-can is.
Serkan must send Alice away from the workshop so that he can focus on his work. Mucize finally manages to find where the water can is.
Serap and Bilge’s story ends before it even started when Serap lands a slap on his face. Alice tells Mesut that Serkan won’t sign the contract when he finds out who he really is.
Serkan and Alice’s friends must find a way to bring them back together after what they went through. Bilge pays a visit to Serap to apologize to her after the terrible thing he said to her.
Even though Esma tells Mesut that she doesn’t want to see him anymore, Mesut keeps calling her. Bilge tells Serap that he needs him at the patisserie.
Alice is excited about her marriage’s semi-anniversary, and she wants to spend this day together with Serkan. Serkan hires Yeliz for the workshop, and Alice loses her mind when she sees them together.
Serkan gets mad at Yeliz for removing Alice’s photo from the workshop. Serkan is excited for her honeymoon but for some reason Alice also wants to take a friend with them.
Nurettin doesn’t understand why Sinem has been acting weird lately. Serap loses her mind when Bilgin’s car runs out of gas in the middle of nowhere.
Alice doesn’t understand why Serkan doesn’t want to work with Yeliz anymore. Nurettin goes mad when he sees Esma and Mesut in the same house together.
Esma is shocked to hear that Sinem is Mesut’s sister. Nurettin realizes that the only way for him to get Sinem back is to talk to Mesut.
Nurettin needs Hayri’s permission again for his sister’s and Mesut’s marriage. Tosha’s mother loses her mind when she finds out who Bahattin really is.
Mesut and Nurettin must work together to find where Esma and Sinem are. Kezban and Hayri withdraw from the competition at the last minute when they have a fight.
Alice and Serkan planned in the last minute before the competition to expose all of Yeliz’s lies in front of everyone. Türkan and Serap must make an explanation to Kadir as to why Hayri and Kezban ran away.
Mesut owes a big apology to Serkan as he was the one who introduced Yeliz to him. Serkan tells Mesut that he doesn’t want to work with him anymore after paying his debt.
Bahattin must present himself to Tosha mother as someone rich and handsome to get her approval. Alice and Serkan decide to leave Istanbul for a better future.
Serap realized that her grandmother was up to something. Nurettin loses his mind when he finds out that Esma and Mesut got married without telling anyone.
Sarp is scared that his friends in school are going to make fun of him just because he is on a wheelchair. Bilgin doesn’t understand why Serap has been acting weird lately.
Bahattin and Sarp think that they came up with a clever idea to make a lot of money. Sinem announces to her family that she is pregnant.