Amid the rumours of downsizing, Michael tries to raise employee morale with a birthday party, despite the fact that the closest birthday is a month away. Meanwhile, Dwight asks Jim to form a "Survivor"-type alliance so they can protect themselves during the downsizing.
ComedyA documentary crew enters the offices of Dunder Mifflin to observe the workers and learn about modern management. Manager Michael Scott tries to paint a happy picture of his domain but his jokes keep falling flat. Then, worse, he's told that his branch may be downsized.
22m • 2005A documentary crew enters the offices of Dunder Mifflin to observe the workers and learn about modern management. Manager Michael Scott tries to paint a happy picture of his domain but his jokes keep falling flat. Then, worse, he's told that his branch may be downsized.
When a special consultant, Mr. Brown, arrives to teach a seminar on racial tolerance and diversity in the workplace, Michael implies that it was his idea while in reality his offensive behaviour necessitated the training.
21m • 2005When a special consultant, Mr. Brown, arrives to teach a seminar on racial tolerance and diversity in the workplace, Michael implies that it was his idea while in reality his offensive behaviour necessitated the training.
When corporate wants Michael to pick a cheaper health plan for his employees, rather than lose popularity points with his staff, he shirks the responsibility and Dwight happily accepts the task.
21m • 2005When corporate wants Michael to pick a cheaper health plan for his employees, rather than lose popularity points with his staff, he shirks the responsibility and Dwight happily accepts the task.
Amid the rumours of downsizing, Michael tries to raise employee morale with a birthday party, despite the fact that the closest birthday is a month away. Meanwhile, Dwight asks Jim to form a "Survivor"-type alliance so they can protect themselves during the downsizing.
21m • 2005Amid the rumours of downsizing, Michael tries to raise employee morale with a birthday party, despite the fact that the closest birthday is a month away. Meanwhile, Dwight asks Jim to form a "Survivor"-type alliance so they can protect themselves during the downsizing.
Michael and select members of the office staff prepare for a game of basketball against the workers in the warehouse. Overly confident about his team's ability, Michael trash-talks his opponents and he makes a bet: the losing team has to work Saturday.
21m • 2005Michael and select members of the office staff prepare for a game of basketball against the workers in the warehouse. Overly confident about his team's ability, Michael trash-talks his opponents and he makes a bet: the losing team has to work Saturday.
An attractive woman arrives at the office to sell purses and causes furtive glances from male staff members who vie for her attention. Dwight attempts to ask her out on a date but his advances are deflected, leaving the door open for Michael to step in.
21m • 2005An attractive woman arrives at the office to sell purses and causes furtive glances from male staff members who vie for her attention. Dwight attempts to ask her out on a date but his advances are deflected, leaving the door open for Michael to step in.