زاك كاليسون

زاك كاليسون

Zach Callison

تاريخ الولادة 23 أكتوبر 1997

دراغن رسكيو رايدرز: هيروز أوف ذا سكاي
دراغن رسكيو رايدرز: هيروز أوف ذا سكاي

دراغن رسكيو رايدرز: هيروز أوف ذا سكاي

السيرة الذاتية

Zach began acting at the age of seven. They were cast as Winthrop in The Music Man. Zach liked the fact that the lisp they had to use allowed them to spit without getting in trouble. Zach was cast in their first feature film role in "Kingshighway" 2007. They have an older brother Wes and older sister Andrea.

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