Clawdeen Wolf never felt like she fit in until her instincts led her to Monster High, where she discovered that she's half werewolf and she found the monster world where she belongs.
When an anonymous monster praises Toralei's poetry online, she's determined to find out who's behind the account.
As Monster Fest's Head Haunter, Frankie frets over the best way to run the festival and considers handing the reins to Hades.
Frankie, Phoenix, and Heath search Hades's underworld factory for their missing friends and discover a surprising culprit.
When kaiju besties Modirah and Gakaiju have a falling out, Deuce is determined to play peacemaker and fix their friendship.
On the night before the election, Clawdeen confronts the shapeshifter and realizes that Headmistress Bloodgood is in danger.