An adventurous little penguin sets out alone to explore his home island following the footsteps of his all-time hero the renown Sinoe. Grab your rucksack and hit the road with Oscar.
It is a peaceful day in the small fishing village. But someone has big plans: Oscar, our adventurous penguin star.
Oscar is ready for adventure. In the nearby woods, he builds a shelter for the night. But right then, a giant egg lands in it, and out pops a big baby Cuckoo and a starving one, too.
As Oscar travels onward, things become a bit more dangerous. The next character he meets turns out to be Emile, a leopard seal with a big hunger for penguins!
Ari the Squirrel has always dreamed of being the famous flying squirrel-like his cousins. But Ari can’t fly, and it takes a toll on his self-confidence until he meets Oscar, who never sees a problem, only a need for a creative solution.
When Oscar stumbles upon Gaston, a sad little sheep banished from the flock; he is determined to help. The flock leader is El Vis, an alpha male and a bit of a bully.
Spiky the Hedgehog is probably the sweetest animal in the forest. But with all her pointy, sharp spikes, no one else wants to come near her, and her loving kindness goes unnoticed.
Rosetta has a big dream – to make her parents proud of her by winning the annual Clearing Challenge. Easier said than done. Rosetta’s opponent is the formidable, athletic racehorse Crème de la Crème, who always wins.
Oscar has now made it to the snow-filled, dangerous crevasses of the Northern Alps. As he slides into the deep abyss, Oscar finds unexpected help in Leah, a girl penguin with an eager eye on social media.
The first stop on Oscar and Leah’s journey is the Village of the Ice Penguins. But it is eerily empty! Something is wrong, but finally, they meet a resident, John, who enlightens them about the presence of a dangerous vampire nearby.
Oscar and Leah have been joined by the ice penguin John, an accomplished harmonica player. They reach the foot of the steep mountain, with 8.000 steps separating them from the Temple of the Phoenix on top.
Oscar and Leah finally arrive at the Phoenix temple and meet an odd bird, Joe, whose sole aim is to remain the guardian of the legacy of the Wudang Clan.
All is well in the temple of the Phoenix, and Oscar has time off to study Sinoe’s book in depth.
Leah is deep in the study of her newfound, fantastic backstory. Oscar is having a lot of fun with the three Ninja penguins.
With Leah being the descendant of Princess Yuenu, Joe sends her and Oscar on a quest for yet another piece of magic armor.
The armor for the statue of Yuenu is not yet complete. The second-last missing item is the bow and the quiver. As luck would have it, there will be a competition where the first prize is – the very bow and quiver! All that our friends must do is win it.
The statue of Yuenu is missing but one item now; the helmet.
Oscar, alone in the canyons, stumbles upon a box with two holes in it. Furthermore, the box seems to follow him!
The journey continues as Oscar helps Roxy look for her lost brother. They come across Alfred, a daredevil hamster living in the hot Valley.
Alfred joins Oscar and Roxy. Ahead of them is a town of penguins who live in holes in the canyons. But they are being forced to work for a ruthless gang of scooter-riders, led by no other than El Vis, the singing sheep with sunglasses.
Oscar, Roxy, and Alfred continue their journey, guided by the book of Sinoe. Having walked across a hot savannah for hours, the three friends stumble upon an oasis and decide to spend the night there.
At a popular penguin tourist resort, our three friends come across a wall of photographs of happy guests
Oscar and Alfred continue alone and return to the oasis motel. But they find Don Corleone broken in tear.
As Oscar and Alfred settle in for an evening at the campfire under the desert stars, the invisible Roger scares everyone, especially himself. But Oscar sets out to help Roger enhance his cool, and it helps.
Roger joins Oscar and Alfred as they continue the journey in Sinoe’s footsteps across the savannah. In the middle of nowhere, they stumble upon a movie set. But who is the director?
Oscar, Alfred, and Roger continue across the savannah, but even friends sometimes get on each other’s nerves, and in a mutual fit, they split up!
Arriving with Roger and Alfred in the Inca village, Oscar is overwhelmed by the site's beauty.
Oscar, Alfred, and Roger stay in Inca city. Soon, they are drawn to the sound of a crowd cheering, as they come closer, they discover that the sound comes from loudspeakers and the crowd consists of cardboard penguins. The vain Llama King, Apichu, stages the fake show.
Apichu, the Llama King, introduces Oscar, Alfred, and Roger to the outskirts of Inca city, where poor citizens work hard with the soil.
Oscar, Alfred, and Roger are still guests at Apichu the Llama King’s abode. But when Roger accidentally breaks a valuable crystal skull, as a punishment, they are being forced into the arena of Luchadores to face the fiercest wrestler of them all.
Oscar and Roger continue their journey, with Oscar finding clues in the Book of Sinoe. They come upon a stranded alien robot, Spirit.
Oscar, Roger, and Spirit are on the search for the blue crystal that can empower Spirit’s spaceship. At the foot of the volcano mountain, a strange cuckoo offers to guide our friends to the top.
Oscar, Roger, and Spirit, the alien robot, face an entrance on the mountain top. Just outside sits a sad penguin whose friends have all disappeared inside.
For Oscar, Roger and Spirit, there is still the issue with the blue crystal, which can provide Spirit with the power to start the spaceship.
Oscar, Leah, Roger, and Spirit hurry back to Spirit’s spaceship, only to find that it has been stripped in the meantime.
With Oscar and Leah happily reunited, they continue their journey. It is high temperatures, and while Leah is looking for a good reception for her tablet, Oscar needs to sit down.
Oscar and Leah find a marvelous house in The Hot Springs with a great swimming pool. But they do not find tranquility as the owners are two monkeys, Nimit and Pranit, and they do not get along.
Oscar and Leah join Nimit and Pranit in the nearby penguin village. But the two monkeys are very playful and still very noisy.
It is the day before the big Cherry Blossom Festival, and everyone in the small penguin village is hoping that their two prized trees will win.
At Nimit and Pranit’s marvelous house, Oscar and Leah enjoy the quiet evening. Until they realize that someone has stolen the water from the swimming pool.
Oscar and Leah follow The Book of Sinoe, and it brings them to a beautiful beach.
Enjoying life on the beach, Oscar and Leah meet yet another friendly crab, Craig. He belongs to another crab tribe nearby, and the two tribes are at odds.
Oscar and Leah are strolling on the beach when they meet tech-obsessed recluse Charles “Bucowspenguin,” who invites them in.
Oscar and Leah hang out with Charles, even though he is annoyed by the crabs, who keep them company and interfere with all their knitting.
Life is good on the beach. But who lurches in the bushes? Emile. He manages to sneak in a fake treasure map in the book of Sinoe.
Oscar and Leah continue their quest alone. They are in the jungle now and soon find themselves surrounded and captured by angry worms.
Oscar Leah and Ernest, the voodoo penguin, walk through the wondrous nature when they reach the famous Three of Life, depicted in the Book of Sinoe.
Ernest is now the appointed leader of the voodoo penguins. Oscar discovers that Ernest and Sinoe have met in the past. Ernest gives Oscar a yoyo that belonged to Sinoe.
Oscar and Leah are now in the Jade Cave, full of gold and guarded by a giant spider controlled by Don Coleone.
Oscar and Leah have finally arrived back at Oscar’s village. Oscar is keen for Leah to meet everyone, but something is different.
Oscar has fun maneuvering his invention, the huge, mechanical trousers. Leah wants to join, but Oscar is a little absentminded. Moods change for the better as the circus arrives in town.
El Vis, Don Corleone, and Emile are plotting revenge on Oscar; in fact, on all the penguins in the village.
It is time for Leah to go. Oscar is sad, and Maurice the Mayor has just the thing to cheer him up: The last, missing page from Sinoe’s book.