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Last Week Tonight With John Oliver

لاست ويك تونايت ويذ جون أوليفر

7 Seasons

The weekly series features John Oliver's hilarious, expertly honed perspective on today's pressing political, social, and cultural issues.

Talkshow, Comedy




E1 • Brexit

Brexit; plus, Trump's border wall "national emergency"; and New Zealand's ongoing map crisis.


Brexit; plus, Trump's border wall "national emergency"; and New Zealand's ongoing map crisis.


E2 • Psychics

TV psychics can make a lot of money; plus, North Carolina election fraud hearings.


TV psychics can make a lot of money; plus, North Carolina election fraud hearings.


E3 • Automation

Automation is taking many jobs in America today; plus, Michael Cohen testimony; Jared Kushner.


Automation is taking many jobs in America today; plus, Michael Cohen testimony; Jared Kushner.


E4 • Robocalls

Robocalls; plus, the Brazilian president's tweet; Trump signs bibles and welcomes Tim ''Apple.''


Robocalls; plus, the Brazilian president's tweet; Trump signs bibles and welcomes Tim ''Apple.''

Public Shaming

E5 • Public Shaming

Public shaming, good and bad, includes an interview with Monica Lewinsky; plus, a Brexit update.


Public shaming, good and bad, includes an interview with Monica Lewinsky; plus, a Brexit update.


E6 • WWE

WWE and its often-villainous owner Vince McMahon; plus, fallout from the Mueller Report, and more.


WWE and its often-villainous owner Vince McMahon; plus, fallout from the Mueller Report, and more.

Mobile Homes

E7 • Mobile Homes

Investment companies are making mobile homes less affordable; Trump's picks for the Federal Reserve.


Investment companies are making mobile homes less affordable; Trump's picks for the Federal Reserve.

Opioids II

E8 • Opioids II

The opioid epidemic, revelations about the role of large companies; Brexit; Assange is arrested.


The opioid epidemic, revelations about the role of large companies; Brexit; Assange is arrested.

Mueller Report

E9 • Mueller Report

The Mueller Report; plus, Chiitan, the rogue Japanese mascot.


The Mueller Report; plus, Chiitan, the rogue Japanese mascot.

Lethal Injection

E10 • Lethal Injection

Lethal injection and the death penalty; and more.


Lethal injection and the death penalty; and more.

Green New Deal

E11 • Green New Deal

John Oliver discusses the Green New Deal and climate change; and more.


John Oliver discusses the Green New Deal and climate change; and more.

Death Investigations

E12 • Death Investigations

America's system for conducting death investigations is a mess; and more.


America's system for conducting death investigations is a mess; and more.

Medical Device Design

E13 • Medical Device Design

The medical device industry has a troubling lack of regulation; and more.


The medical device industry has a troubling lack of regulation; and more.


E14 • ERA

Only one more state is needed to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment; and more.


Only one more state is needed to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment; and more.


E15 • Impeachment

The pros and cons of impeaching Trump; plus, scandal-ridden GOP; and more.


The pros and cons of impeaching Trump; plus, scandal-ridden GOP; and more.


E16 • Everest

Climbing Mount Everest has become dangerously popular; and more.


Climbing Mount Everest has become dangerously popular; and more.


E17 • Warehouses

It's easy to buy things online, and even easier not to think about how they get to you; and more.


It's easy to buy things online, and even easier not to think about how they get to you; and more.

Boris Johnson

E18 • Boris Johnson

How Britain's new prime minister, Boris Johnson, has succeeded; and more.


How Britain's new prime minister, Boris Johnson, has succeeded; and more.

Prison Labor

E19 • Prison Labor

How prisoners make and spend money, and how companies profit; and more.


How prisoners make and spend money, and how companies profit; and more.

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov

E20 • Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov; and more.


President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov; and more.

Bias in Medicine

E21 • Bias in Medicine

The roles that gender and racial bias can play in medical treatment; and more.


The roles that gender and racial bias can play in medical treatment; and more.


E22 • Filibuster

Legislation and the filibuster; plus, Trump's weather map flub; and more.


Legislation and the filibuster; plus, Trump's weather map flub; and more.

Legal Immigration

E23 • Legal Immigration

Legal immigration; plus, corruption in Russian elections; and more.


Legal immigration; plus, corruption in Russian elections; and more.

Compounding Pharmacies

E24 • Compounding Pharmacies

Why compounding pharmacies that create medication for patients can cause big problems; and more.


Why compounding pharmacies that create medication for patients can cause big problems; and more.

One Child Policy

E25 • One Child Policy

The consequences of China's one-child policy; and more.


The consequences of China's one-child policy; and more.


E26 • Weather

Tension between the public and private worlds of predicting the weather; and more.


Tension between the public and private worlds of predicting the weather; and more.

Trump & Syria

E27 • Trump & Syria

The alarming decision to pull U.S. troops from the Turkey-Syria border; and more.


The alarming decision to pull U.S. troops from the Turkey-Syria border; and more.

Voting Machines

E28 • Voting Machines

How voting machines work, how they don't and how to fix them; and more.


How voting machines work, how they don't and how to fix them; and more.


E29 • SLAPP Suits

How SLAPP suits are designed to stifle public dissent; and more.


How SLAPP suits are designed to stifle public dissent; and more.

The Census

E30 • The Census

Why the census matters; plus, the return of Chiijohn; and more.


Why the census matters; plus, the return of Chiijohn; and more.

Medicare For All

E1 • Medicare For All

The pros and cons of Medicare for All: and more.


The pros and cons of Medicare for All: and more.


E2 • Modi

John Oliver talks about India's controversial Prime Minister; and more.


John Oliver talks about India's controversial Prime Minister; and more.


E3 • Coronavirus

What's being done to fight coronavirus as it spreads to the U.S.; and more.


What's being done to fight coronavirus as it spreads to the U.S.; and more.


E4 • Sheriffs

A look at how much power and little accountability, local sheriffs have; and more.


A look at how much power and little accountability, local sheriffs have; and more.

Coronavirus II

E5 • Coronavirus II

How the government is handling the coronavirus outbreak; and more.


How the government is handling the coronavirus outbreak; and more.

Coronavirus III

E6 • Coronavirus III

President Trump's inconsistent response to the coronavirus pandemic; and more.


President Trump's inconsistent response to the coronavirus pandemic; and more.


E7 • OAN

John Oliver takes a look One America News; and more.


John Oliver takes a look One America News; and more.

Coronavirus IV: Essential Workers

E8 • Coronavirus IV: Essential Workers

How Coronavirus is impacting the US workforce; and more.


How Coronavirus is impacting the US workforce; and more.

Coronavirus V: Misinformation

E9 • Coronavirus V: Misinformation

Main story: Various sources of misinformation about COVID-19; and more.


Main story: Various sources of misinformation about COVID-19; and more.

Coronavirus VI: Testing

E10 • Coronavirus VI: Testing

How much coronavirus testing the US has done and why we need to do more; and more.


How much coronavirus testing the US has done and why we need to do more; and more.


E11 • USPS

Why the USPS faces financial catastrophe and what we can do to help; and more.


Why the USPS faces financial catastrophe and what we can do to help; and more.

Coronavirus VII: Sports

E12 • Coronavirus VII: Sports

The disappearance of sports due to coronavirus; and more.


The disappearance of sports due to coronavirus; and more.

Voting By Mail

E13 • Voting By Mail

John Oliver discusses why voting by mail is necessary; and more.


John Oliver discusses why voting by mail is necessary; and more.


E14 • Police

John Oliver discusses how the histories of policing and white supremacy rare intertwined; and more.


John Oliver discusses how the histories of policing and white supremacy rare intertwined; and more.

Facial Recognition

E15 • Facial Recognition

The dangers of facial recognition technology; and more.


The dangers of facial recognition technology; and more.

Coronavirus VIII: Prisons & Jails

E16 • Coronavirus VIII: Prisons & Jails

Why COVID-19 has spread so rapidly behind bars and what we can do to stop it; and more.


Why COVID-19 has spread so rapidly behind bars and what we can do to stop it; and more.

Coronavirus IX: Evictions

E17 • Coronavirus IX: Evictions

Evictions are on the rise due to coronavirus; and more.


Evictions are on the rise due to coronavirus; and more.

Coronavirus: Conspiracy Theories

E18 • Coronavirus: Conspiracy Theories

Main story: The proliferation of conspiracy theories about coronavirus; and more.


Main story: The proliferation of conspiracy theories about coronavirus; and more.

China & Uighurs

E19 • China & Uighurs

The Uighur people are facing human rights abuses in China; and more.


The Uighur people are facing human rights abuses in China; and more.

U.S. History

E20 • U.S. History

A look at how the history of race is taught in schools; and more.


A look at how the history of race is taught in schools; and more.


E21 • Juries

Why people of color are routinely excluded from becoming jurors; and more.


Why people of color are routinely excluded from becoming jurors; and more.

Border Wall II

E22 • Border Wall II

An update on Trump's border wall; and more.


An update on Trump's border wall; and more.

RNC 2020 & Kenosha

E23 • RNC 2020 & Kenosha

A look at the Republican National Convention; and more.


A look at the Republican National Convention; and more.

The Supreme Court

E24 • The Supreme Court

The future of the Supreme Court; and more.


The future of the Supreme Court; and more.

Election 2020

E25 • Election 2020

A look at efforts to destabilize the vote and how to ensure your ballot is counted; and more.


A look at efforts to destabilize the vote and how to ensure your ballot is counted; and more.

The World Health Organization

E26 • The World Health Organization

The crucial role of the World Health Organization; and more.


The crucial role of the World Health Organization; and more.


E27 • Asylum

How the Trump administration has handled asylum seekers; and more.


How the Trump administration has handled asylum seekers; and more.

Trump & The Coronavirus And William Barr

E28 • Trump & The Coronavirus And William Barr

Oliver discusses President Trump's COVID-19 response and William Barr.


Oliver discusses President Trump's COVID-19 response and William Barr.

Election Results 2020

E29 • Election Results 2020

Oliver discusses Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' historic win.


Oliver discusses Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' historic win.

Trump & Election Results

E30 • Trump & Election Results

Oliver discusses Donald Trump's various attempts to overturn the results.


Oliver discusses Donald Trump's various attempts to overturn the results.

The Next Pandemic

E1 • The Next Pandemic

The host takes on Trump's second impeachment, the Republicans' vote to acquit, and issues a warning to Democrats; the next pandemic.


The host takes on Trump's second impeachment, the Republicans' vote to acquit, and issues a warning to Democrats; the next pandemic.


E2 • Meatpacking

The crisis in Texas, including an examination of the reason behind the failure of that state's power grid and reaction to the disaster from Texas officials, state and federal.


The crisis in Texas, including an examination of the reason behind the failure of that state's power grid and reaction to the disaster from Texas officials, state and federal.


E3 • Raids

How few guardrails there are on the use of police raids; plus, New York governor Andrew Cuomo faces multiple scandals.


How few guardrails there are on the use of police raids; plus, New York governor Andrew Cuomo faces multiple scandals.


E4 • Unemployment

The many obstacles that impede access to unemployment benefits; plus, Fox News freaks out over Dr. Seuss; Texas lifts its mask mandate; Neil Cavuto really loves Adele.


The many obstacles that impede access to unemployment benefits; plus, Fox News freaks out over Dr. Seuss; Texas lifts its mask mandate; Neil Cavuto really loves Adele.


E5 • Tucker

Where Tucker Carlson came from and why he’s admired by white nationalists; plus, reaction to the Biden COVID-19 relief bill.


Where Tucker Carlson came from and why he’s admired by white nationalists; plus, reaction to the Biden COVID-19 relief bill.


E6 • Plastics

How plastics are harming the planet, and why recycling isn’t the solution you think it is; plus, the Atlanta mass shootings and hate crimes against Asian-Americans.


How plastics are harming the planet, and why recycling isn’t the solution you think it is; plus, the Atlanta mass shootings and hate crimes against Asian-Americans.

The National Debt

E7 • The National Debt

How national debt works and why it might be more helpful than you think; plus, Giuliani freaks over Lil Nas X; Amazon’s anti-union tactics; Peeps and Pepsi form an unholy alliance.


How national debt works and why it might be more helpful than you think; plus, Giuliani freaks over Lil Nas X; Amazon’s anti-union tactics; Peeps and Pepsi form an unholy alliance.

Nursing Homes

E8 • Nursing Homes

Why nursing homes and assisted living facilities need fixing; plus, the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program; Matt Gaetz and Venmo; R.I.P. Yahoo! Answers.


Why nursing homes and assisted living facilities need fixing; plus, the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program; Matt Gaetz and Venmo; R.I.P. Yahoo! Answers.


E9 • Bankruptcy

Why people file for bankruptcy and how difficult the process can be; plus, a look at police brutality in the U.S.


Why people file for bankruptcy and how difficult the process can be; plus, a look at police brutality in the U.S.


E10 • Vaccine

Why some people don’t want to get the COVID-19 vaccine; plus, when governments try to tweet; Dana Perino grew up on a ranch.


Why some people don’t want to get the COVID-19 vaccine; plus, when governments try to tweet; Dana Perino grew up on a ranch.


E11 • Hair

The ways Black hair can be a target of discrimination; plus, the race for governor in California, and GOP voter suppression.


The ways Black hair can be a target of discrimination; plus, the race for governor in California, and GOP voter suppression.


E12 • Guns

John Oliver takes a look at why “stand your ground” laws were created, who they protect, and, crucially, who they don’t; plus, a look at the past week’s events in Israel.


John Oliver takes a look at why “stand your ground” laws were created, who they protect, and, crucially, who they don’t; plus, a look at the past week’s events in Israel.

Sponsored Content

E13 • Sponsored Content

John Oliver explains why the integrity of local news is so important; plus, how some red states are trying to overturn Roe v. Wade and why the Venus Veil is so much more than a blanket. (It's not.)


John Oliver explains why the integrity of local news is so important; plus, how some red states are trying to overturn Roe v. Wade and why the Venus Veil is so much more than a blanket. (It's not.)

Asian Americans

E14 • Asian Americans

Examining the diverse group of people who fall under the term “Asian American,” and the history of the model minority stereotype; plus, Jair Bolsonaro is jeopardising the national and global health.


Examining the diverse group of people who fall under the term “Asian American,” and the history of the model minority stereotype; plus, Jair Bolsonaro is jeopardising the national and global health.

Prison Heat

E15 • Prison Heat

How the failure to air-condition prisons can cause health issues for incarcerated people; plus, a look at the NYC mayoral candidates.


How the failure to air-condition prisons can cause health issues for incarcerated people; plus, a look at the NYC mayoral candidates.


E16 • PACE

How PACE, a programme meant to pay for environmentally-friendly home renovations, is fundamentally flawed and can put people at risk of losing their homes; plus, a look at the upcoming Tokyo Olympics.


How PACE, a programme meant to pay for environmentally-friendly home renovations, is fundamentally flawed and can put people at risk of losing their homes; plus, a look at the upcoming Tokyo Olympics.

Health Care Sharing Ministries

E17 • Health Care Sharing Ministries

The limitations of Health Care Sharing Ministries, a faith-based alternative to health insurance; plus, the ItalyGate conspiracy theory.


The limitations of Health Care Sharing Ministries, a faith-based alternative to health insurance; plus, the ItalyGate conspiracy theory.

Housing Discrimination

E18 • Housing Discrimination

The long history of housing discrimination in the U.S., the damage it’s done, and, crucially, what we can do about it; plus, John is headed back to the studio and makes a new friend along the way.


The long history of housing discrimination in the U.S., the damage it’s done, and, crucially, what we can do about it; plus, John is headed back to the studio and makes a new friend along the way.


E19 • Ambulances

How emergency medical services function in the U.S., why they can be so expensive, and what we can do to fix things.


How emergency medical services function in the U.S., why they can be so expensive, and what we can do to fix things.

Sackler Family

E20 • Sackler Family

How the Sackler family has been handling lawsuits related to the opioid crisis; plus, Russia’s participation in the Tokyo Olympics.


How the Sackler family has been handling lawsuits related to the opioid crisis; plus, Russia’s participation in the Tokyo Olympics.


E21 • Ransomware

Ransomware attacks, why they’re on the rise, and what can be done about them; plus, the spread of the Delta variant.


Ransomware attacks, why they’re on the rise, and what can be done about them; plus, the spread of the Delta variant.


E22 • Afghanistan

The end of America’s war with Afghanistan, and the humanitarian crisis being left behind; plus, why two attorneys are locked in a legal battle, and how they could come to a resolution outside of court.


The end of America’s war with Afghanistan, and the humanitarian crisis being left behind; plus, why two attorneys are locked in a legal battle, and how they could come to a resolution outside of court.


E23 • Lukashenko

The long-time leader of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko; plus, what a new abortion law in Texas means for Roe v. Wade.


The long-time leader of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko; plus, what a new abortion law in Texas means for Roe v. Wade.

Voting Rights

E24 • Voting Rights

John Oliver discusses the current attacks on voting rights, who’s behind them, and what we can do about it.


John Oliver discusses the current attacks on voting rights, who’s behind them, and what we can do about it.


E25 • PFAS

John Oliver discusses per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances - a class of chemicals linked to an array of health issues - and why their widespread use isn’t as magical as it may seem.


John Oliver discusses per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances - a class of chemicals linked to an array of health issues - and why their widespread use isn’t as magical as it may seem.


E26 • Misinformation

How misinformation spreads among immigrant diaspora communities; plus, AT&T’s involvement with far-right One America News.


How misinformation spreads among immigrant diaspora communities; plus, AT&T’s involvement with far-right One America News.


E27 • Taiwan

John Oliver discusses Taiwan's history of being governed by other countries, its fraught present-day relationship with China, and what its citizens would like their future to look like.


John Oliver discusses Taiwan's history of being governed by other countries, its fraught present-day relationship with China, and what its citizens would like their future to look like.


E28 • Homelessness

With homelessness increasing nationwide, John Oliver takes a look at the way we discuss the unhoused, what policy failures are making the problem worse, and how we can help.


With homelessness increasing nationwide, John Oliver takes a look at the way we discuss the unhoused, what policy failures are making the problem worse, and how we can help.

Power Grid

E29 • Power Grid

John Oliver discusses the current state of the nation's power grid, why it needs fixing, and, of course, how fun balloons are.


John Oliver discusses the current state of the nation's power grid, why it needs fixing, and, of course, how fun balloons are.

Union Busting

E30 • Union Busting

A discussion on the mechanics of union busting; the insurrection of January 6.


A discussion on the mechanics of union busting; the insurrection of January 6.

Critical Race Theory

E1 • Critical Race Theory

John Oliver explains what critical race theory is, and what it isn't; plus, the Canadian trucker protests.


John Oliver explains what critical race theory is, and what it isn't; plus, the Canadian trucker protests.

Sex Work

E2 • Sex Work

John Oliver explains why criminalising sex work hasn't helped the most vulnerable people involved; plus, Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


John Oliver explains why criminalising sex work hasn't helped the most vulnerable people involved; plus, Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Wrongful Convictions

E3 • Wrongful Convictions

John Oliver explains why it's so difficult to be exonerated for a wrongful conviction, even when there's compelling evidence to prove your innocence, and how we can correct the state's mistakes.


John Oliver explains why it's so difficult to be exonerated for a wrongful conviction, even when there's compelling evidence to prove your innocence, and how we can correct the state's mistakes.


E4 • Tickets

John Oliver explains why concert tickets are so expensive and who's making money off them; plus, Florida's "Don’t Say Gay" bill and Disney's campaign donations.


John Oliver explains why concert tickets are so expensive and who's making money off them; plus, Florida's "Don’t Say Gay" bill and Disney's campaign donations.

Harm Reduction

E5 • Harm Reduction

John Oliver discusses why overdoses in the U.S. have been on the rise. Plus, a disastrous royal tour; Ketanji Brown Jackson hearings; the Nenana Ice Classic.


John Oliver discusses why overdoses in the U.S. have been on the rise. Plus, a disastrous royal tour; Ketanji Brown Jackson hearings; the Nenana Ice Classic.


E6 • Trucks

John Oliver discusses how truck drivers get paid, and how companies exploit them to increase profits; plus, Madison Cawthorn's tales of GOP orgies and drug use.


John Oliver discusses how truck drivers get paid, and how companies exploit them to increase profits; plus, Madison Cawthorn's tales of GOP orgies and drug use.

Data Brokers

E7 • Data Brokers

John Oliver discusses how much data brokers know about us and what they're doing with our information; plus, Russian TV lies about Ukraine; DirecTV drops OAN.


John Oliver discusses how much data brokers know about us and what they're doing with our information; plus, Russian TV lies about Ukraine; DirecTV drops OAN.

Police Interrogations

E8 • Police Interrogations

John Oliver discusses the tactics that can make police interrogations so damaging; plus, a look at Dr. Oz's campaign for U.S. Senate.


John Oliver discusses the tactics that can make police interrogations so damaging; plus, a look at Dr. Oz's campaign for U.S. Senate.

Environmental Racism

E9 • Environmental Racism

John Oliver discusses environmental racism, how both government and industry are failing people of colour, and pandas.


John Oliver discusses environmental racism, how both government and industry are failing people of colour, and pandas.

Abortion Ruling / Philippines Election

E10 • Abortion Ruling / Philippines Election

John Oliver discusses the leaked draft opinion that looks set to overturn Roe v. Wade; plus, the current presidential election in The Philippines and why Bongbong Marcos is - albeit in a very limited and unflattering way - sort of like Ant-Man.


John Oliver discusses the leaked draft opinion that looks set to overturn Roe v. Wade; plus, the current presidential election in The Philippines and why Bongbong Marcos is - albeit in a very limited and unflattering way - sort of like Ant-Man.

Electric Utilities

E11 • Electric Utilities

John Oliver discusses the incredible amount of power we give electric utility companies, how weakly regulated they are, and why they get such bad Yelp reviews; plus, an examination of Alabama's anti-trans law, and Eurovision 2022.


John Oliver discusses the incredible amount of power we give electric utility companies, how weakly regulated they are, and why they get such bad Yelp reviews; plus, an examination of Alabama's anti-trans law, and Eurovision 2022.


E12 • Subway

John Oliver discusses one of the largest franchises in the U.S., how their business model doesn't always serve franchisees, and what it all has to do with Korean dramas.


John Oliver discusses one of the largest franchises in the U.S., how their business model doesn't always serve franchisees, and what it all has to do with Korean dramas.

School Police

E13 • School Police

In the wake of the mass shooting in Uvalde, John Oliver discusses the push for more police in schools and whether they are the answer to school safety issues, or a new problem altogether.


In the wake of the mass shooting in Uvalde, John Oliver discusses the push for more police in schools and whether they are the answer to school safety issues, or a new problem altogether.

Tech Monopolies

E14 • Tech Monopolies

John Oliver discusses tech monopolies, and how to address the hidden harm they can do.


John Oliver discusses tech monopolies, and how to address the hidden harm they can do.


E15 • Rent

John Oliver discusses why rent has become increasingly unaffordable, what we can do to combat a system that is stacked against tenants, and, of course, Dakota Johnson’s complex relationship to limes.


John Oliver discusses why rent has become increasingly unaffordable, what we can do to combat a system that is stacked against tenants, and, of course, Dakota Johnson’s complex relationship to limes.


E16 • Water

John Oliver discusses the water shortage in the American west, how it’s already impacting the people who live there, and what God has to say about it.


John Oliver discusses the water shortage in the American west, how it’s already impacting the people who live there, and what God has to say about it.


E17 • Inflation

John Oliver discusses what causes inflation, what we've done about the current round of it, and, of course, makes the smartest investment of all time.


John Oliver discusses what causes inflation, what we've done about the current round of it, and, of course, makes the smartest investment of all time.

Mental Health Care

E18 • Mental Health Care

John Oliver discusses the cracks in our broken mental health care system, some of the inadequate ways we’ve tried to fill them, and what it all has to do with the gallbladder.


John Oliver discusses the cracks in our broken mental health care system, some of the inadequate ways we’ve tried to fill them, and what it all has to do with the gallbladder.


E19 • Monkeypox

John Oliver discusses the recent monkeypox outbreak in the U.S., how we’ve fumbled our response to it, and some aspirations for this coming autumn.


John Oliver discusses the recent monkeypox outbreak in the U.S., how we’ve fumbled our response to it, and some aspirations for this coming autumn.


E20 • Afghanistan

John Oliver discusses what's happened since the U.S. withdrew from Afghanistan, how their ongoing crisis has even more to do with our decisions than you might think, and how to properly modify the verb "feel".


John Oliver discusses what's happened since the U.S. withdrew from Afghanistan, how their ongoing crisis has even more to do with our decisions than you might think, and how to properly modify the verb "feel".

Carbon Offsets

E21 • Carbon Offsets

John Oliver explains what carbon offsets are, what they claim to do, how they might be making climate change even worse, and, of course, how Oscar Isaac is getting hotter.


John Oliver explains what carbon offsets are, what they claim to do, how they might be making climate change even worse, and, of course, how Oscar Isaac is getting hotter.

Law & Order

E22 • Law & Order

John Oliver discusses the wildly popular television franchise, what it’s been teaching us about law enforcement, and some tricks for how to get to sleep in two minutes flat.


John Oliver discusses the wildly popular television franchise, what it’s been teaching us about law enforcement, and some tricks for how to get to sleep in two minutes flat.


E23 • Bolsonaro

John Oliver discusses Jair Bolsonaro, how he’s run Brazil as president, how far he might go to maintain power after the upcoming election, and, of course, nunchucks.


John Oliver discusses Jair Bolsonaro, how he’s run Brazil as president, how far he might go to maintain power after the upcoming election, and, of course, nunchucks.


E24 • Museums

John Oliver discusses some of the world's most prestigious museums, why they contain so many stolen goods, the market that continues to illegally trade antiquities, and a pretty solid blueprint for revenge.


John Oliver discusses some of the world's most prestigious museums, why they contain so many stolen goods, the market that continues to illegally trade antiquities, and a pretty solid blueprint for revenge.

Crime Reporting

E25 • Crime Reporting

John Oliver discusses the outlets that cover crime, the incentives that drive them, the flawed sources they rely upon, and an alternative name for Miss Piggy.


John Oliver discusses the outlets that cover crime, the incentives that drive them, the flawed sources they rely upon, and an alternative name for Miss Piggy.

Transgender Rights II

E26 • Transgender Rights II

John Oliver discusses the latest round of attacks on transgender rights, what's at stake, and the filthiest of the "Peanuts" characters.


John Oliver discusses the latest round of attacks on transgender rights, what's at stake, and the filthiest of the "Peanuts" characters.

Bail Reform

E27 • Bail Reform

With midterm elections approaching, John Oliver discusses the issue at the core of many republican attack ads: bail reform.


With midterm elections approaching, John Oliver discusses the issue at the core of many republican attack ads: bail reform.

Election Subversion

E28 • Election Subversion

With midterm elections approaching, John Oliver discusses what happens after the votes are in, how some elected officials might try to negate legitimate election results, and which Teletubby would taste best.


With midterm elections approaching, John Oliver discusses what happens after the votes are in, how some elected officials might try to negate legitimate election results, and which Teletubby would taste best.

The Monarchy

E29 • The Monarchy

John Oliver discusses the future of the British monarchy, what they have and have not acknowledged about their past, and how Winston Churchill preferred to go down waterslides.


John Oliver discusses the future of the British monarchy, what they have and have not acknowledged about their past, and how Winston Churchill preferred to go down waterslides.

Psychedelic Assisted Therapy

E1 • Psychedelic Assisted Therapy

John Oliver discusses psychedelic assisted therapy: its history, its potential, and what it has to do with A$AP Rocky's relationship to rainbows.


John Oliver discusses psychedelic assisted therapy: its history, its potential, and what it has to do with A$AP Rocky's relationship to rainbows.

Artificial Intelligence

E2 • Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is increasingly becoming part of our lives, from self-driving cars to ChatGPT. John Oliver discusses how AI works, where it might be heading next, and, of course, why it hates the bus.


Artificial intelligence is increasingly becoming part of our lives, from self-driving cars to ChatGPT. John Oliver discusses how AI works, where it might be heading next, and, of course, why it hates the bus.

Ron DeSantis

E3 • Ron DeSantis

John Oliver discusses Florida governor Ron DeSantis, the pitfalls of comparing him to Donald Trump, and the dangers of "woke math".


John Oliver discusses Florida governor Ron DeSantis, the pitfalls of comparing him to Donald Trump, and the dangers of "woke math".



John Oliver discusses TANF - a federal programme designed to help families with little to no income - who's currently receiving these vital funds, who should be receiving them, and what it all has to do with Brett Favre.


John Oliver discusses TANF - a federal programme designed to help families with little to no income - who's currently receiving these vital funds, who should be receiving them, and what it all has to do with Brett Favre.


E5 • Timeshares

John Oliver discusses timeshares, how people get into them, why it's so difficult to get out, and one exciting new business venture.


John Oliver discusses timeshares, how people get into them, why it's so difficult to get out, and one exciting new business venture.

Solitary Confinement

E6 • Solitary Confinement

John Oliver discusses solitary confinement, how prevalent it is, how damaging it can be, and, of course, how to hit the woah.


John Oliver discusses solitary confinement, how prevalent it is, how damaging it can be, and, of course, how to hit the woah.

Homeowners Associations

E7 • Homeowners Associations

John Oliver discusses homeowners associations, the surprising power they have, and how to tell if a tree is "tree-shaped".


John Oliver discusses homeowners associations, the surprising power they have, and how to tell if a tree is "tree-shaped".


E8 • Farmworkers

John Oliver discusses the conditions farmworkers face, how we've failed to protect them, and the Jolly Green Giant's body hair.


John Oliver discusses the conditions farmworkers face, how we've failed to protect them, and the Jolly Green Giant's body hair.

Cryptocurrencies II

E9 • Cryptocurrencies II

John Oliver discusses cryptocurrency, the collapse of three big crypto companies, and what to do if your office gives off "crime vibes".


John Oliver discusses cryptocurrency, the collapse of three big crypto companies, and what to do if your office gives off "crime vibes".

Biden And The Border

E10 • Biden And The Border

John Oliver discusses the things Biden has promised to fix about the southern border, what he has and hasn't done, and the magnificent pile of gators.


John Oliver discusses the things Biden has promised to fix about the southern border, what he has and hasn't done, and the magnificent pile of gators.

Prison Health Care

E11 • Prison Health Care

John Oliver discusses the health care offered in prisons and jails, who provides it, why it’s so bad, and what Red Bull’s slogan should be.


John Oliver discusses the health care offered in prisons and jails, who provides it, why it’s so bad, and what Red Bull’s slogan should be.


E12 • Homeschooling

John Oliver discusses homeschooling, its surprising lack of regulation in many states, and, crucially, Darth Vader's parenting skills.


John Oliver discusses homeschooling, its surprising lack of regulation in many states, and, crucially, Darth Vader's parenting skills.

Food Safety

E13 • Food Safety

John Oliver discusses the groups in charge of keeping our food safe – from the FDA, to the USDA, to, most crucially, the Association for Dressings and Sauces.


John Oliver discusses the groups in charge of keeping our food safe – from the FDA, to the USDA, to, most crucially, the Association for Dressings and Sauces.


E14 • McKinsey

John Oliver discusses the oldest and largest management consulting firm: McKinsey & Company.


John Oliver discusses the oldest and largest management consulting firm: McKinsey & Company.


E15 • Chocolate

John Oliver discusses chocolate, cocoa farming, and, of course, some facts that will make Halloween a little weird.


John Oliver discusses chocolate, cocoa farming, and, of course, some facts that will make Halloween a little weird.

Abortion Rights

E16 • Abortion Rights

John Oliver discusses the ongoing fallout from the overturning of Roe v. Wade as the November elections approach.


John Oliver discusses the ongoing fallout from the overturning of Roe v. Wade as the November elections approach.

Israel-Hamas War

E17 • Israel-Hamas War

John Oliver discusses the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas.


John Oliver discusses the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas.

Dollar Stores

E18 • Dollar Stores

John Oliver discusses dollar stores and why Irish Spring is not his soap of choice.


John Oliver discusses dollar stores and why Irish Spring is not his soap of choice.

Organ & Body Donations

E19 • Organ & Body Donations

John Oliver discusses the systems in place for donating our organs and bodies, why those donations don't always go where we might think they're going, and which airline is the Greyhound bus of the sky.


John Oliver discusses the systems in place for donating our organs and bodies, why those donations don't always go where we might think they're going, and which airline is the Greyhound bus of the sky.

Freight Trains

E20 • Freight Trains

John Oliver discusses freight trains and railroads, how they’ve put profits over safety, and, crucially, what shows he watched as a child.


John Oliver discusses freight trains and railroads, how they’ve put profits over safety, and, crucially, what shows he watched as a child.

Elon Musk

E21 • Elon Musk

John Oliver discusses Elon Musk, the influence he has over more than just his businesses, and the perfect place for him and Mark Zuckerberg to finally have that cage match.


John Oliver discusses Elon Musk, the influence he has over more than just his businesses, and the perfect place for him and Mark Zuckerberg to finally have that cage match.

Supreme Court

E1 • Supreme Court

John Oliver discusses the Supreme Court, the ethically questionable gifts some of the justices receive, and an offer for Clarence Thomas that could ruin John’s life


John Oliver discusses the Supreme Court, the ethically questionable gifts some of the justices receive, and an offer for Clarence Thomas that could ruin John’s life

Internet Scams

E2 • Internet Scams

John Oliver discusses a popular internet scam, why it’s easier to fall for it than you might think, and, of course, boner alerts.


John Oliver discusses a popular internet scam, why it’s easier to fall for it than you might think, and, of course, boner alerts.


E3 • Boeing

John Oliver discusses how Boeing went from being a company known for quality craftsmanship to one synonymous with crashes, mishaps and "quality escape." Whatever that means.


John Oliver discusses how Boeing went from being a company known for quality craftsmanship to one synonymous with crashes, mishaps and "quality escape." Whatever that means.

Medical Boards

E4 • Medical Boards

John Oliver discusses how state medical boards fail to protect patients, Kamala Harris’s awkward call for a ceasefire in Gaza, the North Carolina Republican running for Governor, and which reality show would benefit from becoming a government psyop.


John Oliver discusses how state medical boards fail to protect patients, Kamala Harris’s awkward call for a ceasefire in Gaza, the North Carolina Republican running for Governor, and which reality show would benefit from becoming a government psyop.

Student Loans

E5 • Student Loans

John Oliver discusses the state of student loans, the House vote to ban TikTok, why House Republicans refused to attend their work retreat, and, of course, Left Shark.


John Oliver discusses the state of student loans, the House vote to ban TikTok, why House Republicans refused to attend their work retreat, and, of course, Left Shark.

Food Delivery Apps

E6 • Food Delivery Apps

John Oliver discusses the downsides of food delivery apps, Donald Trump’s latest attempt to pay off his legal debts, and why one southern California police department got in trouble with Lego.


John Oliver discusses the downsides of food delivery apps, Donald Trump’s latest attempt to pay off his legal debts, and why one southern California police department got in trouble with Lego.


E7 • Executions

John Oliver discusses new information about the methods used to carry out the death penalty, plus this week's earthquake in New Jersey, and John's new celebrity crush. It's not who you think. Whoever you're thinking of, you're wrong.


John Oliver discusses new information about the methods used to carry out the death penalty, plus this week's earthquake in New Jersey, and John's new celebrity crush. It's not who you think. Whoever you're thinking of, you're wrong.


E8 • Medicaid

John Oliver discusses why millions of people have been kicked off of Medicaid, why Medicaid access was difficult even before the current "unwinding", and what would happen if fruits and vegetables could talk.


John Oliver discusses why millions of people have been kicked off of Medicaid, why Medicaid access was difficult even before the current "unwinding", and what would happen if fruits and vegetables could talk.


E9 • UFOs

John Oliver explains why we need honest inquiry into UFO sightings, covers the week's protests in the US over the war in Gaza, and recaps Adeel Mangi's confirmation hearing.


John Oliver explains why we need honest inquiry into UFO sightings, covers the week's protests in the US over the war in Gaza, and recaps Adeel Mangi's confirmation hearing.

Public Libraries

E10 • Public Libraries

John Oliver explains why public libraries are under attack, and where those challenges are coming from.


John Oliver explains why public libraries are under attack, and where those challenges are coming from.

Opioid Settlements

E11 • Opioid Settlements

John Oliver discusses how state and local governments in the US are spending opioid settlements, a new deportation plan in the UK, and, of course, his favorite contestant at Eurovision.


John Oliver discusses how state and local governments in the US are spending opioid settlements, a new deportation plan in the UK, and, of course, his favorite contestant at Eurovision.


E12 • Corn

John Oliver discusses the financial and environmental impact of corn in the U.S., and whether or not he really knows what Pearl Harbor is.


John Oliver discusses the financial and environmental impact of corn in the U.S., and whether or not he really knows what Pearl Harbor is.

Indian Elections

E13 • Indian Elections

John Oliver discusses the ongoing elections in India, Trump’s guilty verdict, and the decline of Red Lobster.


John Oliver discusses the ongoing elections in India, Trump’s guilty verdict, and the decline of Red Lobster.

Deep-Sea Mining

E14 • Deep-Sea Mining

John Oliver discusses the environmental risks of deep-sea mining, France’s preparation for the Olympics, and an update on Red Lobster.


John Oliver discusses the environmental risks of deep-sea mining, France’s preparation for the Olympics, and an update on Red Lobster.

Trump's Second Term

E15 • Trump's Second Term

John Oliver discusses the plans for Donald Trump's second term, an interesting campaign choice from a conservative congressional candidate in Michigan, and the bakery that has very successfully turned John into a cake bear


John Oliver discusses the plans for Donald Trump's second term, an interesting campaign choice from a conservative congressional candidate in Michigan, and the bakery that has very successfully turned John into a cake bear

UK Elections

E16 • UK Elections

John Oliver discusses the UK elections and the future of the Tories, why pride flags are causing controversy in the US, and a new law about the ten commandments in Louisiana. Also some stuff about Ur-Nammu that we all know already.


John Oliver discusses the UK elections and the future of the Tories, why pride flags are causing controversy in the US, and a new law about the ten commandments in Louisiana. Also some stuff about Ur-Nammu that we all know already.

Migrant Crime

E17 • Migrant Crime

John Oliver discusses the wave of conservatives claiming there is a wave of “migrant crime,” covers highlights from the RNC, and encourages us all to make suggestions for next year’s World Games.


John Oliver discusses the wave of conservatives claiming there is a wave of “migrant crime,” covers highlights from the RNC, and encourages us all to make suggestions for next year’s World Games.

The West Bank

E18 • The West Bank

John Oliver discusses how The West Bank settlements came to be, a rumor about J.D. Vance that we cannot prove is false, and whether or not Jake Tapper is Brat.


John Oliver discusses how The West Bank settlements came to be, a rumor about J.D. Vance that we cannot prove is false, and whether or not Jake Tapper is Brat.


E19 • RFK Jr.

John Oliver discusses RFK Jr.'s potential to sway the 2024 U.S. presidential election, controversies at the Olympics, and Donald Trump's recent puzzling comments about Kamala Harris.


John Oliver discusses RFK Jr.'s potential to sway the 2024 U.S. presidential election, controversies at the Olympics, and Donald Trump's recent puzzling comments about Kamala Harris.


E20 • Hawaii

John Oliver discusses how Hawaii has long been run for the benefit of everyone but Hawaiians, whether or not J.D. Vance is ok, and the Trump campaign’s weak attacks on Tim Walz and Kamala Harris.


John Oliver discusses how Hawaii has long been run for the benefit of everyone but Hawaiians, whether or not J.D. Vance is ok, and the Trump campaign’s weak attacks on Tim Walz and Kamala Harris.

Hospice Care

E21 • Hospice Care

John Oliver discusses hospice scams, the Trump campaign's attempt to appear "not weird," and the Republican primary candidates who are making the party seem stranger and stranger.


John Oliver discusses hospice scams, the Trump campaign's attempt to appear "not weird," and the Republican primary candidates who are making the party seem stranger and stranger.

School Lunch Programs

E22 • School Lunch Programs

John Oliver discusses the national school lunch program in the US, why J.D. Vance can’t stop being weird on the campaign trail, and how to properly order a donut.


John Oliver discusses the national school lunch program in the US, why J.D. Vance can’t stop being weird on the campaign trail, and how to properly order a donut.

Disability Benefits

E23 • Disability Benefits

John Oliver discusses the obstacles in the way of Americans receiving disability benefits, last week's US presidential debate, and the misinformation being spread about Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio.


John Oliver discusses the obstacles in the way of Americans receiving disability benefits, last week's US presidential debate, and the misinformation being spread about Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio.

Federal Courts

E24 • Federal Courts

John Oliver discusses the impact Donald Trump had on the federal courts, how New York City's mayor was indicted for allegedly taking bribes from foreign sources, and why it's unforgivable that NYC's Rat Czar is not a rat in a top hat.


John Oliver discusses the impact Donald Trump had on the federal courts, how New York City's mayor was indicted for allegedly taking bribes from foreign sources, and why it's unforgivable that NYC's Rat Czar is not a rat in a top hat.

Traffic Stops

E25 • Traffic Stops

John Oliver discusses the power given to cops during traffic stops and some simple ways we can start to change that, and J.D. Vance's week surrounding the vice presidential debate.


John Oliver discusses the power given to cops during traffic stops and some simple ways we can start to change that, and J.D. Vance's week surrounding the vice presidential debate.

Election Subversion

E26 • Election Subversion

John Oliver discusses the attempts made by Donald Trump and his supporters to undermine the upcoming election, the aftermath of Hurricane Milton, and why Waffle House is both a light in the storm and symbol of absolute chaos.


John Oliver discusses the attempts made by Donald Trump and his supporters to undermine the upcoming election, the aftermath of Hurricane Milton, and why Waffle House is both a light in the storm and symbol of absolute chaos.

Mass Deportations

E27 • Mass Deportations

John Oliver hosts this comedy series that takes a satirical look at the week in news, politics and more.


John Oliver hosts this comedy series that takes a satirical look at the week in news, politics and more.

Trump's Businesses

E28 • Trump's Businesses

John Oliver discusses Donald Trump's business ventures, what has changed about them since his presidential term, and the havoc they could wreak if he's reelected.


John Oliver discusses Donald Trump's business ventures, what has changed about them since his presidential term, and the havoc they could wreak if he's reelected.

2024 Election Results

E29 • 2024 Election Results

John Oliver discusses Donald Trump's reelection, what happens next, and why the whole thing is – arguably – Katy Perry's fault.


John Oliver discusses Donald Trump's reelection, what happens next, and why the whole thing is – arguably – Katy Perry's fault.

TikTok Ban

E30 • TikTok Ban

John Oliver discusses the looming TikTok ban in the US, Donald Trump’s controversial nomination of Matt Gaetz to be Attorney General, and how to bring 2024 to a close.


John Oliver discusses the looming TikTok ban in the US, Donald Trump’s controversial nomination of Matt Gaetz to be Attorney General, and how to bring 2024 to a close.

Trump 2.0

E1 • Trump 2.0

John Oliver discusses the first four weeks of Donald Trump’s second term as president, the strategy behind some of the choices his administration has mad.


John Oliver discusses the first four weeks of Donald Trump’s second term as president, the strategy behind some of the choices his administration has mad.

Facebook & Content Moderation

E2 • Facebook & Content Moderation

John Oliver discusses Facebook's controversial new plans for content moderation and DOGE's continued firing of government workers, including some of America's best dorks: park rangers.


John Oliver discusses Facebook's controversial new plans for content moderation and DOGE's continued firing of government workers, including some of America's best dorks: park rangers.


E3 • Tipping

John Oliver discusses the right-wing personalities who are now in charge of the FBI, the White House's disastrous meeting with Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and why tipping is more complicated and fraught than you might realize.


John Oliver discusses the right-wing personalities who are now in charge of the FBI, the White House's disastrous meeting with Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and why tipping is more complicated and fraught than you might realize.

ICE Detention

E4 • ICE Detention

John Oliver discusses Donald Trump's address to Congress, why Republicans have been having a rough time at town halls, the reality of ICE detention facilities, and one very special establishment in Maine.


John Oliver discusses Donald Trump's address to Congress, why Republicans have been having a rough time at town halls, the reality of ICE detention facilities, and one very special establishment in Maine.

Sports Betting

E5 • Sports Betting

John Oliver discusses the arrest of Mahmoud Khalil, the continued firing of federal workers, the world of sports betting, and more.


John Oliver discusses the arrest of Mahmoud Khalil, the continued firing of federal workers, the world of sports betting, and more.

More details


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