Ainsley hops aboard the Watercress Line to pay a visit to the Watercress beds in Hampshire to find out about all about the peppery leaves. He then makes the most of the lovely leaves in a hot smoked trout and watercress tart, an ideal lunch to impress guests.
Cooking • LifestyleAinsley is inspired by the tastes and delights of the seaside. He starts with a taste of Italy making his crab and lemon linguine with pangrattato
46m • 2021Ainsley is inspired by the tastes and delights of the seaside. He starts with a taste of Italy making his crab and lemon linguine with pangrattato
In this episode all Ainsley's dishes use fruit, he begins with a dish from his travels, rose harissa chicken tagine with apricots and chickpeas
45m • 2021In this episode all Ainsley's dishes use fruit, he begins with a dish from his travels, rose harissa chicken tagine with apricots and chickpeas
Ainsley is Egg-cited to explore the wonderful world of eggs. He kicks things off with a delicious breakfast hash with ‘nduja and kale for a spicy start to the day.
45m • 2021Ainsley is Egg-cited to explore the wonderful world of eggs. He kicks things off with a delicious breakfast hash with ‘nduja and kale for a spicy start to the day.
Ainsley is buzzing around in his kitchen again as he cooks using honey. He combines honey and chili for his first dish, honey-chili spiked lamb with a potato, bean and mint dressing salad.
45m • 2021Ainsley is buzzing around in his kitchen again as he cooks using honey. He combines honey and chili for his first dish, honey-chili spiked lamb with a potato, bean and mint dressing salad.
Ainsley is using nuts and seeds to create all his tasty dishes in today’s show. His first recipe roasted beetroot, candied walnut and goat’s cheese salad is full of earthy flavours using nuts to add a satisfying crunch.
45m • 2021Ainsley is using nuts and seeds to create all his tasty dishes in today’s show. His first recipe roasted beetroot, candied walnut and goat’s cheese salad is full of earthy flavours using nuts to add a satisfying crunch.
Ainsley is getting his “five a day” as vegetables are the star of all of today’s recipes. There’s a spicy start with his crispy cauliflower bites with a kicking Korean sauce, great for sharing
45m • 2021Ainsley is getting his “five a day” as vegetables are the star of all of today’s recipes. There’s a spicy start with his crispy cauliflower bites with a kicking Korean sauce, great for sharing
Ainsley is celebrating some unsung heroes who are the start of so many wonderful meals…grains and pulses. First up a taste of the Mediterranean with seared tuna, mixed tomato and bean salad with an anchovy and tomato dressing.
45m • 2021Ainsley is celebrating some unsung heroes who are the start of so many wonderful meals…grains and pulses. First up a taste of the Mediterranean with seared tuna, mixed tomato and bean salad with an anchovy and tomato dressing.
Ainsley hops aboard the Watercress Line to pay a visit to the Watercress beds in Hampshire to find out about all about the peppery leaves. He then makes the most of the lovely leaves in a hot smoked trout and watercress tart, an ideal lunch to impress guests.
45m • 2021Ainsley hops aboard the Watercress Line to pay a visit to the Watercress beds in Hampshire to find out about all about the peppery leaves. He then makes the most of the lovely leaves in a hot smoked trout and watercress tart, an ideal lunch to impress guests.
Join Ainsley as he cooks up dishes packed with herbs and spices. First, he uses one of his favourite spices to make lamb kofta with sumac onions served with flatbreads and chili-mint yoghurt.
45m • 2021Join Ainsley as he cooks up dishes packed with herbs and spices. First, he uses one of his favourite spices to make lamb kofta with sumac onions served with flatbreads and chili-mint yoghurt.
Chocolate and Coffee are sure to perk you up, join Ainsley as he shows how to use them in both sweet and savory dishes, starting with a quick and easy one pot that is sure to warm your cockles, three bean and pepper chili pot.
45m • 2021Chocolate and Coffee are sure to perk you up, join Ainsley as he shows how to use them in both sweet and savory dishes, starting with a quick and easy one pot that is sure to warm your cockles, three bean and pepper chili pot.