Ainsley celebrates dairy, rustling up a Greek lamb burger topped with feta and mint before heading to the West Country to meet a man who makes his own butters.
Ainsley brings us some delicious dishes made with a dash, or more, of coffee or chocolate, including a caponata served with fennel and cacao-rubbed pork.
Nuts and seeds take centre stage in Ainsley's dishes in this episode, including trofie pasta with a pistachio and mint pesto.
A veggie-packed diet is a great way to feel good so Ainsley shows us his delicious carrot and cardamom fritters and a comforting vegetable and lentil lasagne.
Ainsley shows us how herbs and spices elevate any dish, including a tasty lamb rogan josh, and on the beach, he whips up his delicious spicy black bean burgers.
Ainsley pays tribute to grains and pulses, and cooks pan-seared sardines with thyme-roasted tomato and bread salad, and zingy tikka kebabs with a chickpea salad.
Ainsley adds a little sweetness to his dishes, making a Vietnamese caramel chili chicken, and a delicious lemon drizzle and lavender traybake cake.
Ainsley celebrates all things green and cooks up a comforting chicken and spring vegetable casserole, and a coconut panna cotta, served with refreshing kiwi salad.
Fruits and berries take centre stage in Ainsley's dishes, including a jackfruit, butterbean and okra pimento pot, and a classic summer pudding.
Ainsley returns to his happy place - the beach - and cooks up harissa-crusted cod with chickpea, spinach and tomato stew, and a spicy crab salad.