Was a UFO shot down by the RAF above South Wales on the 26th of February 2016? Craig and Sarah Cruddas examine the evidence as they try to discover if it really was an extra-terrestrial event. This programme contains some flashing images.
In this episode, Craig and Sarah take a closer look at a case that took place in November 2018 off the west coast of Ireland in which pilots saw bizarre lights through their cockpit windows. This programme contains some flashing images.
The US government officially recognise UFOs, calling them Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. In this episode Craig and Sarah take on the US Navy UAP videos. This programme contains some flashing images.
Over the past 50 years a fascinating pattern has emerged, linking UFOs with military personnel and installations. One of the most significant of these events took place on British soil in 1980. This programme contains some flashing images.
One of the world’s best UFO hotspots is very close to home. Craig and Sarah examine the Scottish UFO phenomena — a myriad of extraordinary cases, including the 1991 sighting of a glowing red disc. This programme contains some flashing images.
On 13 March 1997 in the night sky over Phoenix, Arizona one of the most spectacular mass UFO sighting of all time took place. Thousands witnessed bright orange orbs moving in formation. This programme contains some flashing images.
Since reports of a disc crashing in Roswell in 1947, the archetypal UFO – the flying saucer – has captured public imagination. Craig and Sarah explore if flying saucers are evidence of extra-terrestrials. This programme contains some flashing images.
This episode delves into the most alarming of alleged extra-terrestrial experiences: alien abduction. The most remarkable case on British soil was the abduction of Yorkshire policeman Alan Godfrey. This programme contains some flashing images.
In this gripping episode, Craig and Sarah take on the Stephenville UFO case. They scrutinise all available evidence, talk to key eyewitnesses and grill experts before arriving at a final verdict. This programme contains some flashing images.
In October 2017, astronomers at the Pan-STARRS observatory saw something strange in our solar system: an object they named ‘Oumuamua’, the very first observed visitor from interstellar space. This programme contains some flashing images.