When Bruce Wayne is kidnapped, Gordon must look to some unlikely and dangerous allies for help.
Penguin is now King of Gotham and Gordon seeks his help when his moral compass wavers. Meanwhile Bruce Wayne explores his father's secrets.
After reinstatement, Gordon is given the high-profile case tracking the deadly inmate escape from Arkham, while Bruce enlists the help of his father's old friend to unlock secrets.
Gordon and Bullock track down a nemesis from the past, leading to a standoff between Jerome and Gordon.
Captain Barnes creates a new police task force with Gordon's help, while Penguin gets caught up in a favor for Galavan.
Galavan & Penguin join forces with a dangerous family in Gotham. With the rivalry between the Waynes & the Galavans resurfacing, Gordon struggles to maintain order in the city.
As Penguin and Galavan continue to battle for control of Gotham City's underworld, Kringle and Nygma's relationship takes a new step.
While Butch leads Penguin to the warehouse where his mother is being held, Penguin plots his revenge on Gotham's new mayor, Theo Galavan.
While Galavan tries to make a business deal with Bruce Wayne, he sends Barbara after Jim Gordon - with Bullock and Barnes hot on her trail.
Gordon encounters one of Gotham's most dangerous hitmen, Eduardo Flamingo, while Nygma and Penguin cross paths once again.
While Gordon challenges a suspect linked to Galavan, Bruce gets one step closer to discovering the name of his parents' killer.
While Penguin takes a hit for Galavan's murder, Gordon & Bullock investigate the body-snatching spree of Victor Fries, Gotham's preeminent cryogenics engineer.
While Gordon, Bullock and Barnes search for Victor Fries, Penguin is introduced to Hugo Strange and Alfred reveals crucial information to Bruce about his parents' murder.
While Gordon follows up with Nygma on Kristen Kringle's whereabouts, Alfred and Selina help Bruce find his parents' killer, Matches Malone.
While Gordon & Bullock investigate a trail of clues left by Nygma in a dangerous game of cat and mouse, Penguin meets his father.
Gordon faces new threats after being removed from protective custody, while Penguin grows closer to his father and learns more about his step-family.
In an attempt to clear his name, Gordon steals his case file and asks Nygma for help.
After leaving Arkham Asylum, Barbara attempts to make amends with Gordon.
Gordon & Bruce questions Professor Strange about Project Chimera, leading Strange to send the newly resurrected Galavan to confront Gordon.
Azrael is on the loose in Gotham City, sparking Penguin's need for revenge.
Hugo Strange welcomes back a familiar face to Gotham, after he resurrects Fish Mooney at Indian Hill.
While Gordon, Bruce and Lucius remain at Indian Hill, the city of Gotham will be met with a new threat as Hugo Strange's inmates devise a plan to escape.