صموئيل أليتو

صموئيل أليتو

Samuel Alito

تاريخ الولادة 1 أبريل 1950

بروترايتس اوف ايه لايدي
بروترايتس اوف ايه لايدي

بروترايتس اوف ايه لايدي

السيرة الذاتية

Samuel Alito. Self: Advise & Dissent. An soft-spoken, unassuming lawyer of intellectual bent, Samuel Alito, Jr. has seldom called attention to himself. But in 2005, he became a flash-point of controversy with his nomination to the United States Supreme Court. An Italian-American, he was born and grew up in Trenton, New Jersey, the son of Samuel Alito, Sr., and Rose (nee' Fradusco) Alito. He grew up in a comfortable middle...