تشوزن جيكوبس

تشوزن جيكوبس

Chosen Jacobs

تاريخ الولادة 3 يوليو 2001



السيرة الذاتية

The multi-faceted actor, singer, producer, Chosen Jacobs, was raised in Atlanta, Georgia. He first received international recognition for his compelling performance in the film adaptation of Stephen King's "IT" (2017) and its proceeding sequel "IT"Chapter 2 (2019). Over the years, Chosen continues to deliver unique and exciting performances over a plethora of genres. Some notable mentions are Netflix's "Purple Hearts" (2022) and the leading role in Disney's "Sneakerella"(2021) which went on to win 4 Emmy's, including "Best TV Movie". In 2017, Chosen delivered his first self produced record "Losers'' which was released alongside the horror classic, Stephen King's IT (2017). He continues to marry his talent for film and music in creative endeavors. This was the case in 2021, when he was tapped to record the Original Soundtrack for "Sneakerella". Chosen has toured the world, performing multiple genres, from opera to R&B. His love and passion for the arts is palpable; this is only the beginning.